Are PVE servers bad?

Yeah I get it. I am not against people wanting it either, but when people ask about why choose pvp or pve, for me personally I don’t think the limits of my character get pushed on pve realms

I don’t know why people love pvp servers. Most pvp engagements in the world are a situation where one person has an extremely unfair advantage. It’s either 1, get killed by a stealth class while you are fighting a mob, or 2. some high level decides to destroy you.

World pvp is a joke 99% of the time. And that 1% of the time where it’s actually fun isn’t worth the headache of losing time.

People who gank are having their fun at the expense of someone else’s time. They do it because they know they have a 99.9% chance to win. If it’s a fair fight and they might have a chance to lose, then they don’t fight.


This is the issue I personally have with it. Getting to choose when to flag just leads to people (mostly) only engaging when they have the upper hand.

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This is the kid that runs and hides unless the numbers are 5 to 1.

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You understand your speaking to someone who intentionally rolled alliance on a pvp server? Instantly disproving your point LOL I’m always at a disadvantage.


In pve its just maintain slice n dice, sinister strike or backstab to have combo points and eviscerate.

In PvP I have to decide which of 3 openers to use, do I open with cheap shot and perfectly time my kidney. Are they high armored where garrote might be better? Sometimes sap is the better option if there are 2 of them. Half the time in world pvp there is a third out of no where I have to blind.

Sometimes it’s worth vanishing for another chance at cheapshot. I have to kick casters, pop evasion if melee is on me. Sometimes I run wounding poison if there are a bunch of healers or casters. All these things are rarely used in raids, which are scripted encounters.

All I’m trying to say is pvping WILL make you a much better player for PVE. It teaches you your button binds and the ability to think outside the box a bit more. I still love killing me some dragons too, but your missing out on half the game if you go on a PVE server.

You are not very bright

A lot of us roll pvp to be on the receiving end of that. To see if we can get away or even turn the tables. It’s the extra difficulty, danger, excitement, and not just taking for granted you can go to a spot and loot your quest items.

same with pvp servers though, unless you attack first.

its hilarious. i always see these people that will gank like crazy when they’re with 2-3 people but as soon as you see them alone they’re all like /wave

makes me /facepalm every time. cause i know that’s jsut the type of player that’s ‘pvp servers awesome YoU cArEbEaR!’


World PVP is pointless. Only objective based PVP matters…


This is one of the main reason I love rolling ally on pvp servers. The sense of danger makes questing 100% funner. Also, that feeling when you kill 4 horde with just you and your buddy is amazing.

For rewards, yes.

Open world raids in vanilla had no reward but were so fun.

Hmm… I don’t recall saying that ganking was only about someone higher level. If I get jumped while I’m at low health after fighting a mob it’s just as much of a gank regardless of level.

Who care’s play the dame game how ever you want.

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Disagree completely

wpvp isn’t supposed to be fair

Right, which is why it’s boring and not skill based.


Not boring at all. I prefer to face less than even odds.

That’s fine but in wpvp the odds are usually so stacked that the element of skill is completely removed.

Not true. Also in wpvp you arent facing meta min/maxed groups where you are just doomed by composition. It’s more dynamic in certain ways.