You get credit for that of course but that requires a bit too much commitment for my taste. When I’m back for an expansion expecting improvements, Crafting feels like a massive downgrade compared to the value it once held.
This late into an expansion? It’s still season 1.
I literally press the start order and complete order buttons. While I absolutely appreciate that it holds little to no interest for you, I cannot see how that’s “too much commitment.” I mean you do your work orders and treasures, collect knowledge, profit.
There are a few professions that can consistently make gold so it worth it.
I mean yeah the illusions are boring, but you are not wasting points by learning those. Each illusion gives you the first craft bonus and it negates any points spent in that section.
It’s basically free.
But you still craft things for others? I don’t understand the issue here.
Considering we have 2 more seasons atleast its not late at all. Get em.
I do not anymore. There’s no point when all the good stuff is BoP.
You will not make the big profits you do early season 1, but the investment is significantly smaller now and you will always see an increased demand at the start of a new season/tier.
What do you mean “this late” we’re at least a month away from the first of three seasons ending LMAO
When you’re on a dead server and all work orders are Patron ones that are definitely not worth the button press, then yeah…
High ilvl stuff being BoP and requiring ludicrous amount of skill, reagents and lucky procs suck.
I sold all my sparks/fragments from DF on over 14 characters.
It wasn’t even worth 10k.
Crafting Professions are much worse to me since DF, with the sole exception of spark items.
The item quality nonsense clutter is terrible too.
It is not late into the expac. S1 isnt even over yet. You more than likely have enough time to do anything you want to do here in WoW for this season.
I clearly meant from the initial rush. I didn’t even know what season we were in lol, I’ve only just returned.
yes, they are worth it.
Do what I do, passively level it with ZERO investment. By the end of the xpac you’ll be maxed out or close and along the way you’ll be able to make stuff for yourself or others while earning some side coin.
If you want it to be a gold generator you have to know you’ll be competing with crafting guilds, bots, and other high end gold making players. You’ll probably never get back your investment unless you plan on going hard.
This is what I’ve decided to do and I’m not gonna bother maxing all my professions this expansion. I’m just going to start selling everything lol idc anymore. I just want gold for next expansion
Xfer off the server?
Professions aren’t worth it at any point in the expansion cycle.
A crafter is never late! Nor is he early! Arrives precisely when tis meant to!
I’d hardly call it “late” as we’ve yet to reach the first patch.
As is usually the case, Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning are probably the best for gold, though you could specialise in disenchanting as an Enchanter to sell mats too.