Oh you mean DE’ing an item for a whopping 1-3 dust isn’t piling it up for you?
Hmm. Maybe I won’t bother with my enchanting then lmao
The expansion isn’t even at its midpoint yet. Yes, professions are still worth it, professions remain viable throughout the expansion because of spark crafting.
It hurts even more when I could have just vendored the green that gave me 2 dust for 100g. Feels like a really solid middle finger for enchanters tbh.
I understand you because I have enchanter but the good thing is that if you disenchant you gain many knowledge points. I make wrists with my tailor and send them to him, or I buy the lowest quality profession items at the AH and disenchant them. There really are many points.
You are correct on that. It’s just painful after a while when you see how much you’re burning through. The only thing I won’t DE is weapons. They vendor for way too much to disenchant for 2 dust and a KP.
Oh, I have every profession maxed and BS is the worst by far. But enchanting does get hit hard, just not as hard.
This late into the xpac? We’re barely 25% through it.
Yes, enchanting seems to be the only profession in the game this expansion that’s hard capped at 15 knowledge per week. Every order is like “please spend multiple mats for 10 acuity and a +5 crafting item.” I’ve spent years collecting every, single enchant that’s ever been in WOW but this expansion seems like just a giant middle finger to the profession.
Yea, especially if new patterns drop in the next raid tier.
Despite some of them being a bit aggravating to level (as you can tell enchanting ruffles feathers ), Crumbs, profs are still worth it right now. Even if you don’t make a ton of gold doing them they are still a huge convenience to make stuff for your characters. There’s some nice crafted gear. Not having to spam in trade chat looking for someone then having to also tip is a nice little perk.
It’s actually a good time to get into professions. Being able to craft your own gear is convenient and mats will likely be more expensive when the game comes back to life for the start of the season. Same could be said for getting into enchanting/consumable stuff.
Crafting was never worth it. I remember grinding my rear off for the 2h epic sword so I could gift it to my ret gal and it’s BOP ONLY BRUH THE WHOLE EXPANSION IS RUINED.
all kidding aside. Blizzard forgot the heart and soul of crafting is to share what you make with others. It’s an utterly selfish garbage task now that is another step in Blizzard dismantling professions until they’re worthless.
Not sure what you mean by “this late into the expansion”. We’re like 1/3 the way in. There’s at least 2 more seasons on the way. Mats are currently pretty cheap, should be easy to lvl some prefessions and be able to craft some stuff to make gold when the game gets busy again in a month or so. I would say it’s a good time to get professions.
I don’t know about that, I make 50-70k gold a week just pressing buttons for people.
What is there to spend it on? Nothing really but tokens. Crafting needs to be useful and generous again. Not what it is.
I just entered the auction. The week has just begun and I have 31,905 gold to collect. 12 profession items were sold, some tomes of illusions that the enchanter makes once a month, 2 profession bags (mining and herbalism, oldies but with 36 slots). But some say it is not profitable.
Really? I haven’t paid for a month’s sub in years. I’d call that a win.
I have not been impressed with professions since MoP. I didn’t bother to waste much time on them in this expac.
This is the vibe I’m getting lol. I liked how they used to be, guess I should go start yelling at clouds