Are people really this dense?

I wouldn’t waste the math on this lot. I’ve done DETAILED breakdowns and it still boils down to two problems:

  1. They would never pay that for a mount
  2. Haven’t figured out turning gold into tokens into Balance cash and buying it that way
  3. They have the old one and no longer feel special

You can give them every OUNCE of logic and reasoning but they are not listening and driven by emotion.

Revised my verbiage since someone felt it was too “strong” I suppose.


you can buy a tank of gas with 90$ : )


Players haven’t pitched a mega fit in a minute.

Just needed a few extra tears to bust the dam wide open.

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People gave Blizzard a lot of crap over the monetization of Overwatch 2. I’m not sure where you’re getting “where were you then, huh?!”

Also we gave them crap for Diablo 4 as well. I was there, posting on the D3 forums(which is where we were supposed to post at the time).


just maybe players are mad that they did a 180 on this type of mount

we want to ensure that in the long run, years from now, we don’t find ourselves looking around and seeing AH mounts that are as common as repair mounts are today.


Yes. It’s grug-brains going “P2W BAD!” without so much as considering if the advantage being paid for affects them at all. In this case it does not.

P2W gets bad when you have people competing monetarily for competitive advantages. And even then.

Some whale in Pokemon Go just optimised his PvP IVs by buying 4000 raid passes. Yes that’s P2W but since I do not have to engage with that aspect of the game AT ALL, I really don’t care. In fact this is optimal for me because they can make so much money this way that they don’t have to charge me anything and I can enjoy the game for free.

Hmm… That would be six tanks of gas [1] on my motorcycle and about 1200 miles of riding.

Think I’ll skip the Bruto and go riding. :slight_smile:

[1] The tank holds ~5.5 gallons, but the most I’ve ever put in was 3.9 gallons.

Apparently they were all being overlooked by you, because people have been furious with all of that.

Also, what’s the point of this post? To let everyone know you’re easily swindled?


Thats a steep price for something you don’t really need.

$40 would be more reasonable but $90?

Thats 120 AUD for me…thats far from a bargain.


Technically it’s a different mount as well, I don’t get it

The forumites will never pass up an opportunity to feast on a rage meal. Just ignore them like the rest of society.


I don’t really care that they added it or what it costs.

I find it annoying that it’s a $$ mount and not a gold mount as that pushes the token price in the direction I don’t prefer.

The mount should be like $300 lmao… or whatever the equiv in tokens is, now it’s just 3 hours of real life work… everyone is going to have it lol


I’m not too poor to buy it, but I refuse to because I can guarantee you they’ve been sitting on it for a while and were just waiting for a big disaster to happen to release it to distract people, and I don’t support business practices like that. 90% of Blizzard’s decisions can be attributed to Bread and Circus. The Anniversary patch is an abject failure of game development, both on the consumer side and the backend. It’s also a calculated way to try and reduce the amount of gold floating around in peoples’ wallets, the wow token price increase is 100% intended.

I mean, $90 is more than twice as expensive as the next most expensive thing you listed, so, I’m not really sure why you’re acting like that kind of price point isn’t a big deal…

Overwatch 2 is free to play no subscription or expansions required to play.

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Nah lol, if they didn’t kneecap my spec trying to fix the exploitable Outlaw bug, I’d be buying that mount plus the 12 month sub thing. Games are hobbies like any others, and I’ve dropped like 3 grand on pocket knives already so this ain’t no different. It’s just that no pocket knife company has ever sent me a broken/dull knife and then just stonewall me with complete radio silence. Not even Benchmade.

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Are you suggesting that no one has been criticising the ever increasing monetisation in video games before now? Because if so, oh boy do you have a lot of catching up to do!


So, since you are standing on principle, I can only surmise you will be un-subbing and leaving the game? Obviously this company is contrary to your firm beliefs.