Are people really that bored?

So…you think that the people whining about nothing to do and more content etc. are the ones who spent years asking for Classic?


Classic is just, from the very beginning, a TBC/WoTLK waiting room for the majority of its players.

Good stuff right here!

The rest of us are too busy enjoying the game. I am here purely because I am not at my PC and I like reading the drama.

I have thought long and hard about how long I plan to play classic recently. I can see myself pulling the plug toward the end of phase 3 if it launches with cross realm Battlegrounds. My favourite era of Vanilla peaked around BWL when the honor system, ranks and tier 2 were end game. Once ZG and AQ drop I’ll probably start drifting away.


There will always be some people complaining and wanting more.

I’d love TBC though. It was fun and the balance was better, but oh well.

Classic rocks, so far.

First of all people asking for TBC/Wrath is not complaining, it is people asking to play the version of the game they want to play. Secondly, it’s rather amusing that the very same people that had to listen to others tell them to go away, to post it elsewhere, and various other things when it came to Classic are now the very same people trying to shout down people in exactly the same situation.

If you fought at all for Classic, the version of the game you wanted to play and are now against those asking for TBC/Wrath because that is what they want to play, well you are a hypocrite.

Despite what some of you believe, many of those that were vocal in fighting for Legacy/Classic servers, they signed the petitions and they supported you in getting it did so because they wanted to eventually see their version of the game.

Frankly it’s pathetic and reeks of the same fear that many that played Retail had when they tried to shout down the Classic supporters.

You deserved the version of the game you wanted, they deserve no less.


I disagree with that. common perception, wrongly or rightly is they will prob bounce from patch to patch. phase, 2, 8.3 phase 3 maybe… phase 4 then new xpac or new xpac then phase 4

I don’t think the TBC/WotLK crowd even cared about Classic to begin with. I think they’re using it as a stepping stone for their agenda of getting the expansions out. Why do you think they’re asking for it in only two months?

People who call for TBC and Wotlk are not classic fans.
They are retail customers who just want retail re-written.
They are the same who call for more mining veins, more layering etc etc.
it’s the part of the player base that destroyed vanilla asking always an easy mode on everything.

They will make a decision on what they are going to do regarding BC and onwards in the next few months probably.

If people want it they need to be talking about it now, so they are.

Our “agenda” is the exact same as yours, and we helped you to accomplish it. You say it like it’s a bad thing. You wanted Classic and many of us fought alongside you for it, because we also wanted to see our favorite era of WoW restored.

Now that you got what you want, you turn on us and say that we’re “entitled” or “ungrateful”, or that we were never on your side to begin w/.

Blizzard literally asked us to discuss what we’d like to see as the future of the game when they said that TBC would be easy to do before Classic even launched.

That’s why.

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I came back to play Classic, staying to play Wrath.
Ion himself said that they would release tbc servers depending on how well classic did. he also said that classic servers were going to go up and stay up. even if they became ghost towns.
I believe Classic did better than Blizzard expected.
Now with that said sir.
I will play TBC, Classic and maybe logged in to retail.
It is not about wanting more. It is about playing my favorite expansion.
Every player of WoW has their own favorite expansion.


Finally someone said it! 100% spot on!

He’s half right.

We are TBC or WotLK fans that supported Classic and play it because it’s a lot closer to our favorite versions of WoW than what Retail has become.

Some of us are Classic fans, and every single person posting on this board is technically a “retail customer”, yourself included.


The higher you go up in expansions the closer you are to retail. To be honest, I loved wrath however I understand (now) the impact it had on the game.

I wish they would have separated payment options for Retail and Classic. I would only have Classic on my CC.


Me too, I don’t even have Retail installed, but it is what it is.

And I get how you feel, there are some aspects added in Wrath that I absolutely despise (cross-realm LFD, the focus on gearscore, etc), but the impact that stuff had on the game was a lot more pronounced in later xpacs.

Xpacs that most people aren’t asking for.

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not everyone actually likes vanilla the best, its just what we got. i would go with wrath or mop over classic

Now I have the real question…

Do you think Blizzard will make additional servers to support another “game” or use the Classic servers?

Blizzard has committed themselves to keeping the Classic servers going until the end of WoW, no matter how few people might play on them.

They believe that it’s important to have a version of vanilla for posterity’s sake; a “museum piece”, as they call it, etc.

I have no doubt that IF TBC or other servers happen, they will be a new addition and not a forced upgrade like the original expansion experience.

I would be very upset (and I imagine many others too) if they went back on their word and upgraded existing servers to TBC or beyond.

I don’t remember hearing/seeing anything along that nature. I probably missed it along the way.

In my opinion, Classic fans want to enjoy what they have in this moment. It took YEARS to get here. Let’s enjoy this time. Let’s remember that great times we had past and present. It seems the “retail” crowd is determined not to let that happen. It is sad, really.

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