Are Paladins allowed to marry?

There are multiple families where the patriarch is a Paladin.

Crown Prince Arthas being a paladin and not being allowed to marry/continue his line would be a complete non-starter of an idea. For all the modern trappings, remember, the human kingdoms are … kingdoms as when that was the primary mode of government, beholden to all those rules. And there are even rare mentions of his own father being a Paladin. So… yeah.

Remember, the Order of the Silver Hand is a martial order first, a priestly order second. With some exceptions, Paladins were Knights, then they were Paladins (it’s literally the unit upgrade path in WCII). They are very often lords and nobles who would be expected, nay, obligated to maintain a family line.

Whether or not priestly celibacy is something common among Human adherents of the Light is one thing, but Paladins? All evidence says no.


he’s always been the “faith of the eredar” type of leader even before Sargaes showed up in his unmarked space traveling fel-van.

no, but we are allowed to heal our followers in any way they may need us to…

The Light doesn’t really care

Considering the fate of their families, perhaps the light got jealous? This would also explain the last name of Arator Windrunner. :thinking:

Alleria… why did we have to find out this way?

You can love the light and still slay so yes your paladin is a holy chad

Yes, they are.
Tirion was father to Taelan.

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Tirion had a wife and kids.
I think the Ashbringer did too.
Not sure, but I think Turalion married the void crazy windrunner sister (good luck with that one alliance!) at some point in those 1000 years of purging heretics for the god emperor.

If their not married then the light is on board with longterm affairs.


Bolvar and Taelia should answer that one for you

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Nobody tell him of Turalyon and Alleria

And nobody dare tell him of Marcus (though to be fair Marcus isn’t married…)

:broken_heart: sigh The one day I’ve regretted switching from human female to Dark Iron. :wedding: :fire:

Now, you’re missing out on all of this:


Tirion Fordring was one of the first human paladins. He was married with a son.

Turalyon was also one the first human paladins, he married Alleria and had a son Arator.


what a weird question to ask about with a video game.

umm yes? Why wouldn’t they be allowed to marry?

No, in an alternate timeline Arthas didn’t become corrupt and married Jaina, had a child with her, etc. They can marry.

Edit: The child’s name was Uther btw, shows how much he truly respected his former mentor in that timeline he didn’t hate him.

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The best ending.

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I want this storyline so bad. Make it interesting with the lightforged draeni invading instead of orcs. It is the only way to fix this character now. :frowning:


Fordring had a wife and son, so I’d assume so. Not to mention Turylon and Alleria

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I would absolutely love that.


The best part was he named the child Uther after the passing of his mentor.

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