Are Paladins allowed to marry?

Specifically Human Paladins, I’m pretty sure Blood Elf and Draenai Paladins are allowed to get married since they’re worship of the light is different, more lenient in the Sindorei’s case, but considering how Human Light worship is modeled off real-world Catholicism, is there anything in the lore that specifically forbids Paladins from getting married? If not, then as a bonus question, what about priests?

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Nope. They are already married to the light.


/Crosses his fingers so female human paladins are still on the marriage candidate list


If you are truly dedicated, then probably not.

I assume that goes for Priests, Paladins, and Monks.

Usually in any type of religion, if you are extremely devoted, you stay single and devote your love to said religion.

And these are the “religious” WoW classes.

Alexandros, Tirion, and Turalyon had/have families so I’d say yes.


I wanna say, from that short audio-novel from Legion, that the other members of the light frowned upon it.

But maybe that’s because Alleria was void-touched. That’s likely the reason there.

Side note, there are no Lightforged Draenei kids. Probably because they are thousands of years old.

Even if its not because of the void, frowned upon isn’t the same thing as banned.

Maybe they’re just very good at hiding them.

considering a lot of paladins have been shown to have families, and even like Velen (a priest true but it still counts) had a wife and child yea I believe they are allowed to.


Afaik there’s no lore that really talks about that, one way or the other. There used to be mentions of “God” in some of the older RTS manuals, but it was changed to “the Light” at some point. Other than that though, I don’t think there have ever really been any other allusions to Christianity aside from just general aesthetics.

And as Karat and Gyroleaf have pointed out, there are a number of Paladins who are known to have families. Additionally, I doubt that Terenas would have allowed Arthas (his heir) to join an organization that requires a vow of celibacy.

I similarly haven’t heard anything about priests, but I’d imagine it to be the same.


That’s right, Arthas was a paladin himself, so that probably answers my question then, paladins can Indeed get married.


Lightforged Draenei are just Draenei that go through a rigorous light-infusion process to become Lightforged. They wouldn’t reproduce Lightforged children if they were still able to reproduce at all.


Unfortunately Paladins can get married and produce evil lightforged spawn like Taelia Fordragon.

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Velen wasn’t a priest at the time though. He became a priest after saregeras acted like a drug dealer to archimonde and kil’jaden


Do void elves make void children? Or would they just be high elves?

I feel like we’ll never know, lol.

So they’ve had rogues ALL ALONG!

On-topic: sure, why not? Big dude in heavy armor with a sledgehammer like a stone keg with a handle says he wants to marry the girl next door, do YOU want to be the old dude in a robe telling him no?

Monks are not tied to the Light, but rather the August Celestials. Nothing rules out Monks from marrying.

In my real life church, marriage is a key component of eternal happiness, so it’s expected that our priesthood leaders get married. :slightly_smiling_face:

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For at least a couple of examples, Turalyon and Tirion say yes.

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I don’t know but i do have my eyes on one :heart:

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Paladins aren’t clergy. So even if they were based heavily on medieval Catholicism, they wouldn’t be bound to any vows of celibacy, as the knights and protectors of the realm at the time were under no such vow.

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