Are Mythics simply harder this expansion?

Just started tanking Mythic 0s and noticed enemies hit A LOT harder than they did in previous seasons. I recall basic mythics not being too much harder than heroics in the past but now it feels like entry level is M+6. I know Blizzard squashed the mythic numbers for whatever reasons but 0 feels way too difficult, especially for only veteran gear rewards. I am using all my defensive CDs and it still feels like I am barely surviving each pull.

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They changed the way scaling works during S4 of Dragonflight and now a +0 is effectively what a +10 used to be and so on…

So yes they do hit much harder early on…although this is still way beyond any other season I remember.


Yes and no.

As previous comment said we start off at essentially M10 but even M2 is feeling harder that 12s used to be. I think because its the first proper new season with this style they’re still working out tuning.

But the reason I say no is because its not only that they hit harder (especially for tanks) its that theres more subtle mechanics. For instance Grim Batol has either Armor debuffs, stacking enrage mobs and Tank busters in pretty much every pack so you’re getting some combo of those 3 which just chunks if not played correctly by the whole team.

This season requires a lot more CC from DPS to make it easier for tanks and healers.

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I don’t think keys are harder. They just slowed down gear progression by moving the goal posts.


Somewhat accurate. The ilvl cap for mythic items is 639 and a lot of players are somewhere around 610-615 at the moment. Grim Batol is now what Azure Vault was in DF S1. Siege got much needed tuning.

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yes jsut wait for S2. S1 is always the “devs are fresh from university and can’t tune” season

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Want to add to this cause tanks and healers forget about their duties at times as well, this season requires CC from everyone, including healers and tanks. It requires tanks to be rolling mitigation at the proper time and be knowledgeable as to when this is, healers seem to be forgetting to be prepared in my experiences on how hard something will hit the group and do not prep any external or heal for the event. DPS certainly fail too but I’ve been seeing too many tanks and healers not understand how to also reduce the strain.

Edit: typos

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they feel pretty in line with previous seasons. a lot of people complaining that 8s are insanely overtuned or whatever are forgetting that they were not running 18s week two of SL or DF either.

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Tanking changed quite a bit from last season when they were indestructible. I had a Veng DH pogo jump into a normal 4 pack in Grim Batol proceed to die in 2 seconds before I could even cast a NS heal and scream HEALLLSSSSSS when we all made fun of him he left the group. I ran Grim Batol with a Guardian who didn’t kite the 2nd boss during Molten Mace, got globaled and flipped out on me. This M+ season has been the most frustrating that I can remember.


Yeah, they destroyed mythics for casual players. It sucks.

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you mean they made them more mythic?

I keep hearing people talk about how it’s still too early in the season to judge these dungeons but I feel that im only about 6 item levels below the maximum I could be if I don’t run 9s and I’m having serious issues clearing keys that are significantly lower than that. So if going from 613 item level to 619 item level is going to give me the boost that I need to complete 9 keys, great, perhaps it is simply too early in the season. But my gut is telling me that 6 item levels isn’t going to be enough for me to start timing those 9s.

Unless something changes I’m content with getting my best Hero gear and writing off the M+ as too difficult this season. I strongly believe that in a couple weeks there will be a lot of people sitting at 618 and 619 item level with very low participation in M+ because they feel the same way.

The lack of progression below +9 keys is a huge problem. There’s no way they can keep it like this, the hurdle is too high.


I think it’s a combination of the mythic squish, plus we’re at the start of an expansion where stats are low, and if we compare to last season that was an “end of expansion” season where stats were so inflated it was laughable.

Found the dude that only plays DPS and just sits in the fire and blames the healer when he dies


The timer is pretty tight on SoB IMO. Played almost perfectly in a SoB +8 and we had 4 mins left on the timer.

Issue is for mythica tp feel comfortable atm you need to out gear the loot not neccessarily a bad change but it is no longer the more “casual” avenue for gearing.

Half the dps players didn’t get the memo that they need to use other abilities outside of their dps rotation.

Tanking is hard now. Healing is even harder. And dps players just sit be like “why are you on the floor?” And I want to just throttle them

It’s making keys really unfun to be in a pug.

Crazy, its almost like the intention was to bring back the competitive nature of mythics and give casuals something else to do, in the form of delves.

The timer needs to be removed from M+. It is the core problem and continues to degrade normal, heroic, timewalking, M0/+2-5, and LFR. Developers should structure the mobs and layout to punish the abusive non-tank pullers with more consequences and for tanks pulling when they out-distance teammates, which puts the entire run in jeopardy resulting in a worse-than-sour frustrating experience.
M+ should reward clean efficient gameplay using a point system that would complement PvP playstyles, meaning the use of interrupts, stuns, and crowd-control abilities. The “go faster” until players start dying mindset is the most toxic, abusive, selfish, and inconsiderate playstyle for the casual and normal-level player. A MMORPG should not be designed around 1 player having control over 4 or even 24 other players.

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Did a 8 mists. We had a double furious thrashing. I popped my big defensive and a small one (why not, no real damage coming for a while during the boss fight), healer threw down spirit link. Monk and Rogue died. The three of us alive were 95% when the cast ended. Same group, didn’t interrupt the Harvest Essence cast and just melted people.