Are Mythics simply harder this expansion?

Yeah I wish dps would single focus one down and not cleave. The thrash occurs at % health and not randomly.

Well there are a couple of things happening.

The adjustment of mythic levels after DF Season 3 which means M0 is much more difficult than previous seasons.

A new expansion means dungeons people aren’t familiar with.

A new expansion often means overtuned bosses, possibly not balanced classes.

Tank changes mean tanks need more healing.

All those came together to make starting M+ at release pretty challenging. But it’s also kind of fun.

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Tanks need more healing, but they keep pulling 2-3 packs needlessly knowing full well the CC stop changes means they don’t work as interrupts anymore and now in their pulls are 3-4 caster mobs nuking people for 2-3 million damage on top of what the healer needs to heal the tank for, and let’s not forget the big scarab lord elite putting a 700k ticking dot on the group while 2-3 million web bolt casts are going out.

Of course tanks love to blame DPS for not interrupting, but interrupts for all but melee are 20+ sec cd’s, for some ranged classes 45-60 second cd’s.

So what ends up happening is the DPS have to blow all their main 3 min cd’s and 2 min cd defensives right before a boss fight and then you wonder why a run is going so roughly.

It is the constant unnecessary overpulling when Blizzard has made it abundantly clear that they want smaller pulls by putting more deadly casts in packs and nerf the ways to stop those casts.

Then a few people get in some groups with frost DK’s/fury warriors/ret paladins and think all comps can melt large packs like these classes do 24/7.


I personally think a lives system similar to delves would be much better. Have speedrun achieves with cosmetic rewards for completing them within a certain time, but have the key upgrade based on lives remaining.

They could even have rating tied to speed of completion + lives remaining and just have a timer that counts up instead of down.

It would be infinitely less toxic. Speed is indeed an indicator of skill, but going fast in M+ has its own reward for those that want that experience, time saved. So many timeable keys have been ruined by pug tanks rushing because they thought we were running out of time when we had plenty. etc etc. A lives system would have its own issues, but ultimately would fix the issues. Slow or fast a bad group will die a lot, they’ll just die more rushing than if they were going slower.

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In BFA, at higher levels it was better to happen at the same time and use big personals. It was better for the 3 of us that used personals too. If they both start fairly together you know they won’t be putting crap on the ground and you can focus on life. For normal pugs though, One at a time and just let the healer push through it.


At this point. Anything would be an improvement over a timer. The timer makes it competitive and competitiveness breeds sweaty serious it’s a Game 7 mentality. Plus even though “speed runs” have been around for many xpacs it wasn’t until BFA that I started to see the abuse of toxic wall-to-wall inconsiderate selfish pulls trickling into ALL levels of dungeon play and being the most abusive in normal, heroic, timewalking and LFR trash pulls.

I’ve thought about how using a Point System would be effective. This means adding and subtracting points based on using your skills correctly, ie: interrupting the AoE cast vs interrupting the single bolt cast etc. Dps reaching a certain threshold on a boss for example, would net more points. Tanks managing aggro correctly on all mobs, healers not allowing players to slip into the kill zone, etc etc. There are many ways to go about this and it would be a really fun round-table discussion. However, maybe it’s not possible at all technically.

I like your idea too.

It’s not gonna happen.

The only way the wall to wall pulls are going to stop is by massively tuning up mob autoattacks so a tank pulling more than 1-2 packs gets 1-2 shot through cooldowns.

Then you adjust the timers up to allow for the increased amount of time pulling.

I don’t think they’re going to make any meaningful systems changes outside the alpha and beta phases of a new xpac.

I play all roles, I don’t blame healers if I don’t use my defensives properly while on dps nor do I blame them if I don’t roll mitigation on my vengeance, I promise you I play at higher levels than you and understand it takes everyones A game to make 10s and 11s workout. Quit your assumption while being the actual fool. Be better.

This sounds like a terrible copy pasta lol

I play vengeance, it’s not exactly a face tank type play style, many times mitigation is not used properly and they drop quickly. Many are new or don’t play it enough in difficult situations, tanks and healers hate being told they didn’t do something proper, they yap that only dps complain and thus why I started playing every role and it made me understand everyone has a role in reducing the strain and a good tank, healer, or dps are definitely noticeable. You have CDs and answers and understanding the dungeon helps. If you jump into a pack with hard hitting tank busters with no mitigation stack you aren’t doing your job.

To the WoW community everything that is about bettering yourself is “Copypasta” and taken as a joke. That’s why many don’t improve on their own.