Are Mythic 0's and up overtuned?

For example, in a mythic 0, you can get hit for 1.5 mill and then 1.6 mill in the first pack in Siege of Boralus. Perhaps the group was undergeared? Except, my H Pal was 598, and I could barely keep people up it felt like a +10 or something. Is anyone else having trouble? Is it my class? Are the dungeons truly overtuned? I’ve been healing since Wrath of the Lich King and Cata, something seems off.

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Is this a troll post?

+0 is +10.


I’m not aware people are actually saying that.

No, as in they re-aligned all of the m+ levels, and an m0 is quite literally what used to be a m10.


It changed awhile ago. For whatever reason Blizzard decided to massively increase the lower level difficulty of mythics. They cut out the middle man. Maybe because Delves exist now.

So when you step into a 0, you’ll have to expect a 10. And when you step into a 10 you’ll have to expect damage at level 20.


Get Vers on your gear and use defensives. Vers + Feint reduces 1.6 million hits to 800,000.

This before party utility, raid utility, etc from other players. Having an Aug around reduces it even further.

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This is my guess. But tbh, it’s still not making my guild happy to lose our key bracket.

Granted, I despise the current pool of dungeons this season, so… lol


yes and no, the problem is blizzard in their infinite wisdom or lack there of, decided they were going to squish the m+ numbers because everyone was not asking them to do that so naturally they had to go about and screw up a system that was working perfectly fine.

The problem is most people dont realize this, and go into a m1, 2 or 3 thinking its going to be like DF, it is not.

The reality is, blizzard, once again, screwed up and never should have changed this because there was no good reason to do so.
On top of that, M+'s are literally pointless to do unless you are doing M+ difficulties that are rewarding Hero gear at the end of it since delvs are rewarding champ items, and are 10x easier and less of a headache to do.
Because of these changes, blizzard basically invalidated the lower end of M+


Yes and no. M+ will grant an extra 3 slots for vault of course, and chances at some BIS or near BIS trinkets. Worth the time even if you’re not pushing super high week 1 & 2.

Delve gear was only really decent last week. Now it is mostly just fodder. All for those candle/mushroom/fish hats I guess.

3s can also be worthwhile since they give heroic gear in the vault. The 3 delve slots are generally going to be fine at the moment since we have so many pieces that still need to be upgraded, but as time goes on the odds of getting something good out of it that isn’t a duplicate shrink.

Also delve trinkets aside from the on-use haste are all terrible.

Delves invalidate most of M+2 thru +5 or +6.

In a game where they JUST deleted the entire entry level key bracket to begin with.

Next expansion they’ll just Have Mythic 0 and Mythic+ but Mythic+ has no levels and is just the equivalent of a DF S3 M+20.


Ill give you that on trinkets but outside of having trinkets held hostage? its not worth trying to cap your vault right now in M+ its to much of a headache for awful designed dungeons.

But that still gives creedance to what im talking about, you will just do your 4 m3+ for your scratcher card and be done with it, or you will be geared enough to be pushing 7+
4, 5 and 6 are just pointless to do.

Sounds like people are not using their defensives and utilities on top of standing in swirlies and cleaves.

Think they may be a little undertuned.

Clearly haven’t done any mythic+ thinking that going to save you.

Nah I’m not dumb enough to go rush into keys right now with this type of gear. Not to mention I’ve barely even practiced the dungeons.

You’re not even level 80 as far as I know.

If you haven’t done it then what makes you think you are in a position to give advice like stacking vers?

Armory bug but grats on trying to “gotcha” me.

+2’s seem okay so far IF people use interupts, and stuns, and dodge bad stuff…

Because the thread is about Mythic 0? Can you not read? When has vers been bad in keys? Are you just talking for the sake of talking?

Bro I do not care about you at all and your pessimism, go away.