Differentiate your self from the “Huntard” meme and you will do fine. Let me start off with some info and tips to help.
Step 1: If it is out already get an addon like YaHT. Addons that show you the timer on your auto shots. This allows kiting and auto-shot weaving to be so much easier. If not out yet then try to learn the time between your shots based on your weapon.
Step 2: Learn the basics.
Ammo: Never let it run out and never use subpar ammunition. Also be sure to get the best quiver you can. Going engineering can assist with this. “Oh but you can only make bullets and not arrows”. I don’t know the Horde equivalent but in IF inn you find an npc who will trade you the arrow version of the top bullets for said bullets.
Feeding your pet:
- Make sure to keep a good storage of pet food. Food that your pet WILL eat. Here’s what to know about this.
- Feeding your pet gives them a buff. It’s like when you eat to heal, if you enter combat and get hit then you lose that buff. So when you feed your pet you need to pause for a moment and let it eat.
- Happiness level is shown next to their health bar. Red does only 75% dmg and losing happiness, in this state too long they will run away FOR GOOD. Yellow is gaining happiness slowly and doing 100% dmg. Green is what you want to see, it’s doing 125% dmg and gaining happiness greatly. (Fun note the box is meant to be a face)
- Loyalty levels are gained and give you more training points and also reduce how often at which you need to feed your pet. Level 6, Best Friend, is the top level.
- Make sure to get a firefox or whathaveyou window open with ALL of the pet abilities and their ranks and where to get them. Remember, for breed based abilities like stealth, claw etc, you need to tame other pets in the wild, use said abilities a few times with them and then you can teach them to your main pet.
- Also be sure to look up the best damage pets. Yep not all pets are made equal. Pets like Brokentooth and Rak’Shiri are some of the prime damage pets but hard to tame as MANY hunters will be camping for them!
- Almost forgot to mention a valuable point. Go to character page then pet page. There you can find out what foods your pet is willing to eat.
Okay that’s enough fur for now.
Step 3: Let’s talk skills.
Learn to kite. (This CANNOT be emphasized enough)
Practice this very well. If you are in a zone with a high level boss mob they make the greatest training tools ever. For example you can kite Stitches in circles around darkshire until he dies to guards if you preserve mana properly. It’s GREAT kite training! (This can actually be done as early as lvl 22, though you will miss a lot more so it is much riskier)
You have to time your shots, look into the jump shot. I use a thumball/trackball mouse so jump shots are SUPER easy for me as I can literally do a 360 jump heck even 450 jumps are doable for me. This is the main weapon of kiting though. It’s where you jump up, turn around, shoot the target behind you with an ability such as concussive shot or distracting shot, then turn back around before you land. This allows you to keep going without slowing down. Also keep aspect of cheetah up during this, it will be your life saver.
As for your damage. This is where YaHT comes in handy. When you release an auto shot you then use aimed shot or multi-shot. Simple as that. Keep your ability shots between auto shots at a moment in which you are not nocking (lol wtf Blizz? Who does your spell check? Nocking is a real word used for when you place your arrow to your bow) your arrow to your bow. If you interfere with your auto shot by using one of the other shots you will be reducing your dps. YaHT also allows you to move between auto shots as you will know when you are able to shoot again that way you pause in movement, shoot, then continue moving.
Step 4: Kiting while leveling.
Try using rank 1 distracting shot to preserve mana but maintain aggro. Undo your pet’s growl and let them attack the target as it chases you. Roads make great safe trails and be sure to clear out a pathway so you do not accidentally aggro a mob and get dazed using cheetah. Your pet will do the most of the damage while you act as the tank kiting the mob with distracting shot, concussive shot and your sting.
If you have a limited area and know what you are doing then using the freezing trap to do an aoe slow snow effect can assist you in circular kiting with mobs that will not take too long to kite. Great practice for pvp. Time your concussive shots for when you NEED them not using them sparingly. Try to keep the mob in the snow area slowed as much as possible! Achieve this bu running around the area and don’t be afraid to get a little close to get around them to turn them back towards/into the snow. Just be careful for if/when it dissipates.
This is also where YaHT comes in for kiting out in the world. When you have enough space you can pause, use an auto-shot then continue. Also be sure that your shots HIT. Make sure that you time them and keep the aggro up. If you don’t make a shot hit within an amount of time (like 10-12 seconds or so) they will drop aggro and run back.
Random thoughts to finish off.
Also start at low level even. Like right from level one. Shoot from max range, jump back then shoot again, and repeat. Do it right and mobs won’t even touch you till lvl 4-6 depending on how things go.
Lastly overall in general, look up pet breed stats. Some pets like cats for example have more damage, armor and less health. These three things are altered based on what pet you have. They also have unique abilities they can attain over time from cat stealth to wolf howl, owl screech to turtle def CD.
There is so much more to learn about Hunter as a class that I and many others could teach you both PVE and PVP wise. The skill ceiling is high and practice makes perfect! I personally LOVE teaching other hunters in game. It is a great class and to me personally the best class in Vanilla by far. (Am debating making as hunter guild even)
Raids will take you if you are not going by huntard standards, sure you won’t be the most populated class in the raid but you will still get a position if you play your cards right.
I hope you and all others who see this post find it very informing and helpful! Especially if you are debating on rolling hunter. It is an amazingly fun class and very unique in having it’s own form of play in the form of kiting to such a degree that it is truly endless if done properly.
(Multiple edits to make post look good and one thing I forgot lol)