Are hunters really that bad?

Something I’m noticing is that people will point out a class’s weaknesses…but then all of them have one. Just some people choose to focus more on absolute endgame stuff rather than the game as a whole.

Truth is, those mighty warriors will be struggling until a certain level, and those mages will be pretty squishy until they get much stronger. Some classes are strong for most of the game and tapir off. ….So what? Everyone else struggled to hit 60 while you had a comfortable drive there?

See, benefits to every class.

Hunters aren’t as useful in raids like rogues, warriors and mages are. The main feature of bringing hunters to raids in later patches is for tranq shots, pulling, and kiting. But their presence in all types of PvP is extremely notable.

In reality, play who and what you wanna play. As said before, raiding is only one aspect of Classic, and you’ll still be able to find a group/guild that will let you into their core, no doubt.

This. Their dps is perfectly fine, they just aren’t as high as rogues, mages, or warriors at the endgame. There’s nothing wrong with this.

It really depends on what you are looking for. Hunter’s forte is utility. They don’t bring too much utility to raids in particular, but where they shine is solo, small groups, and 5 mans. Traps, extra CC with wyvern sting for survival hunters, eyes of the beast for scouting and pulling in tight spots (with tank’s permission of course!), ability to off tank with pet, aspect of the pack, tracking, just to name a few.

They’re quite possibly the best class period when it comes to soloing PVE content as well, though the hybrids like druid aren’t bad either.

TLDR; if you don’t care about raiding anyway, I wouldn’t worry about it, and accept the class for its strengths in solo or small groups.

Hunters aren’t bad at all, I raided as a hunter in Vanilla, and did some PVP (never reached a high rank though, to time consuming).

How good or bad they are depends on a lot. Do you want to top DPS meters? Good luck after BWL…

I’ve never viewed hunter as a pure DPS class though. I’ve always though of hunter as DPS/Utility.

There’s a fight in BWL and Naxx where you kite literally the entire fight. Nobody can kite like a hunter who’s master your speed/slow abilities and the jump shot.

You get Tranq shot which is necessary for some boss encounters, no ifs,ands, or buts.

Hunters are responsible for peeling adds/trash respawns off any healers/casters and either pet tank (though the pets get crushed fast) and try to move the mob to your tanks or kite them around until a tank is available.

Aside from kiting, guarding healers, tranqing, and pewpewing, hunters are the kings of the tough pull. They have a long reach, aspect of the cheetah, and can use feign death to clear the threat if things look bad.

Feign death paired with engineering, gives you a good chance on wipes to use jumper cables to resurrect a healer.

Hunters can DPS well in MC, Ony, BWL, ZG, and AQ20. They are fair in AQ40. What they lack in DPS by Naxx, they compensate with utility.

Hunter is the easiest class to play/level, but one of the hardest to master. If you’re a good hunter, you can save groups and raids. People will notice when you change the direction of a battle going bad.

Hunter is a great class. Don’t let the fact that DPS drops off later scare you away. Hunters are extremely useful in every aspect of the game!


Hunter? Not really.

Huntards? Yes.


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I mained this hunter back in Vanilla(was alliance back then and a different name “Adjantis”). Hunters are very good at all aspects of the game and master of none. If you want to be invited along for dungeons and raids start to learn to kite and know how to pull for your tank, also helps if you have tranq on your bars =P

Once you get into around BWL gear pvp is fun as hell, mages used to run a way from me on my server as a nice aim shot crit would one shot them lol

Play what you want OP, everyone is going to be competing for spots in raids anyway as you are going to have to fill 40 spots and a lot of class overlap is going to happen.

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just join a guild that isn’t strict about your class. then you can play whatever you want.

Hunters are fine.
All pure DPS classes are fine.
Healing capable classes are mostly locked into their healing roles barring few exceptions in raid environment.

And even though Hunters indeed are not the best DPS class in a raid they are never the less needed at least in some amount.

Hunters can actually pull really good dps. Most people just aren’t good at playing then

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To add on what’s been said.
A good hunter is seen as very valuable in a guild, and they won’t let you go (because of the huntards precedents, that can be justified tbh)
Not bringing hunter to dungeons isn’t a thing.

Even at late AQ40+, a good hunter can pull off more dps than a average mage/lock (and ofc the bad ones)

They really smooth out the trash and so lessen the time you spend in a raid thanks to pet pulls or ranged pulls + FD

And as stated before, can save raids from wipes by kiting or bringing back mobs to the tanks before they do too much damage, and that’s even in Naxx (if you watch some Kel’thuzad P3 madness videos especially)

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Open world PvP killers!

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Late raids as well. If I’m not mistaken tranq shot is needed for at least one encounter in Naxx.

The main thing to keep in mind about end game raiding in vanilla is there are 40 slots to fill. So keep this in mind because a) do you know how hard it will be for a guild to fill 40 slots? And b) every class has something to contribute that another class cannot.

Play what you want and more than likely your guild will give you a slot in the raid. Granted you probably can’t raid as a ret pally for example if your guild is still progressing but once they have it on farm they probably wouldn’t mind giving you a slot in the raid. This goes for pretty much any class.

But to address your main concern hunters were always needed in vanilla raiding whoever tells you otherwise is a moron. Ultimately play what you want and make friends and you’ll find yourself a spot in a raid regardless

People need to stop thinking what a hardcore raiding guild thinks is the norm for the game. Heck, even today many DPS specs aren’t brought in raiding by the top guilds.

Ya don’ pay attention ta dis raiding stuff mon.
Dis people think dat be all der’ to do.
Hunters be a lot of fun, particularly in vanilla, and trolls be da best.


You were right until you said warlocks.

Not really. Gluth can be tranq’d but it can be completely ignored because Gluth’s enrage is only a third as dangerous as Magmadar’s and Chromaggus’. These two’s enrage/frenzy effect increases their attack speed by 150% while Gluth’s enrage is only 50%. On top of that, Gluth doesn’t hit as hard as the other bosses in Naxx. This means you can just ignore gluth’s enrage.

I mean you can ignore a lot of raid mechanics and still get through it. But it’s not recommended.

Vanilla hunters are my favorite class in the history of WoW.

Having said that, they are always overpopulated, unwanted, horrible raid dps after BWL, and despised in general.

If you want to regularly get into dungeon groups you better get used to leading your own groups. If you want a raid spot you better have a good social game; you’re competing with 6 other people of equal skill and equal gear.

They are wonderful though. Just the sound design of the bows creaking and firing is so satisfying, the rotation is satisfying, the lore is wonderful. It’s just important to have realistic expectations.

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I’ve heard that hunters are frequently found leaving the toilet seat up and doing stuff like this:

Is a monster that does this someone you really want in your group? I think not.

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