Can’t tell bc every hunter pet does more dmg than 5 players combined while the hunters running 90 miles an hour in the back ground. Crazy how different the game feels when you run into other classes except for hunters then all the sudden you see a hunter and it feels like some god class from a future xpac.
Skill issue.
Fear, Sleep, Root, Sheep, git gud.
Totally makes sense bc a pet auto attacking for the damage of 5 players combined is skilled. Makes me wonder what % of player base are hunters.
Imaginary made up numbers.
Quite the argument.
One class doesn’t have all those, by time you even cast most of those with spell push backs you’re already dead to pets. You get 2 pets on you good luck casting at all. Blizz should remove spell pushback.
If you’re in a position to be attacked by 2 Hunters and their pets, you F’d up and were already dead. If you’re pvping in a group and no one cares if you die, sorry? Guess what, I don’t have a heal, I have barely any melee attacks, and my only defense is keeping you away from me.
I say again, git gud.
Are you comparing a lvl 25 bm hunter pet to 5 lvl 10s is gray a white gear with 0 runes? Because then maybe its doing the damage of 5 players.
you didn’t see the pet coming to you from 150 yards away across the WSG battlefield?..
Pet - 1
Simperella - 0
Doesn’t even matter if you dead zone a hunter. The pets are over tuned and will kill you before anything. Can’t even kill pets either bc they are more tanky and have a higher health pool than tanks and benefit from aspect of the lion… nerf hunter pets and lets see skill come to play
Your gaslighting might work on people that aren’t also playing hunter, but there are plenty of hunters that fully recognize how mindlessly broken pets are right now lol. Nice try bud. Pet can solo kill half the classes and tank stuff 5+ levels higher than me, and I don’t even want it.
If only you could cc the pet somehow.
I get deadzoned and killed all the time. People constantly focus and kill my pet if I send it into a group to attack the healer.
it’s almost like we spent 14 talents to power up our pets and used a beast mastery rune.
Skill issue.
Ever hear of spell pushback? By time you cc the pet you’re dead to it lol. Let alone 2, or 3 at a time because SoD is plagued with hunters for a reason… pets are broken? You think hunters are soloing 40+ content because pets aren’t over tuned?
No Hunter is solo’ing 40+ content, quit making crap up.
Odd, yet you look at the AH and boes for level 40 are on there… they get that from running SFK?
Thats okay your pet can carry you.
Ya, spell pushback is still going to have the spell go off and take the pet entirely out of the fight.
A druid can hibernate pet, root hunter, go into deadzone, bandage/heal, then hibernate or root the pet again and laugh at the hunter as you can easily kill him at this point.