By time you get the spell off you literally have no HP… wake up lmao. Stop trying to pretend pets aren’t over tuned. The entire wow community is well aware.
Probably sneaking around and finding chests, or the bots are fly hacking Scarlet Monastery and safezoning the bosses that has been known for weeks.
Your damage against level 31 mobs is hindered SIGNIFICANTLY, there is no way anyone is killing 40+ mobs legit.
Buddy what game are you playing? Another example of the astroturfing done by Snutz & Ziqo. None of this is true, but they will continue to ping their communities to keep brigading forums and social medias to get hunters nerfed.
You should have about 1.2k hp or more if you are decently geared. A hunter is not doing that type of danage to you unless you have rez sickness.
Don’t worry scared hunter. When pet nerf comes I hope you don’t quit
Feels weird agreeing with you after we spent so much time arguing, lol.
Wonder what happens first; you get what you want, nothing happens, more Hunters kill you cause you don’t know how to fight them.
Buddy, I’m the highest rated BM hunter in the world. Hunters suck. I stopped playing hunters after the 9th nerf. The class is complete crap. It’s good at killing people that are afk in cities and thats it.
Wrong. Go roll another class and run into hunter pets and report back. Thanks.
Disregard these guys, Rank 3 Lightning Breath crits for 250-300 pretty consistently. Its mind bogglingly easy mode.
I kill other Hunter pets all the time. lol.
i main a mage.
Poly pets before it even gets to me, if it hits me it’s slowed, blink away, poly anyways…
nova is instant.
Must be easy as a hunter; with a pet to kill another pet. To every other class they are immortal
Uh, negative. My pet is attacking something, and I shoot at the pet they send at me or someone else. Yes, that’s how a fight works.
Warlocks trounce hunters. Like the warlock has to mess up horribly to lose.
Same thing with druids honestly.
But its ok, you dont know how to pvp.
I support Peepojorts and no other hunter pets and thats final.
We will see when pet gets nerfed how well you think you are at PvP when the npc isn’t doing 98% of the dmg for you auto attacking lol.
I can’t wait to hear the screams of a thousand forum nubs when Hunter pet gets buffed with new runes.
No. It does not. It CANNOT crit in warsong gulch vs the WSG helm. It provides -5% chance to be crit. The hunter pet has 5% crit, therefore it can’t crit against people with the helm.
The non-crit LB does about 160 damage, and can cast 3 times in 6 seconds for a total of 450 damage over 6 seconds, or 75 dps. This is 3x lower the amount of dps that mages, rogues, warriors, and ret paladins are doing.
Stop brigading. Stop lying. Hunters are the worst dps class in the game right now.