Are Horde mentally ok in AV?

How long does it take for Horde to queue into AV? They’ve been downing Vann with all bunkers up all morning, 350 honor for them, 200 for Alliance. An extra minute before downing Vann would give both teams +800 more honor in tower/bunker caps.

Is seeing Horde WINS on the scoreboard that important?


It’s just a fundamental misunderstanding of how the BG works or why people are there. They only consider winning as the positive outcome, not realizing that you get a lot more honor for actually playing the bg.

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I mean, alliance in almost 100% of my games these last few days have been playing heavier defense instead of just doing their 70% winrate 8 minute zug strat for 1k honor.

I have no idea why. The only thing they’re doing is creating a turtle, one that horde wins more often than not.

So, uno reverse, is everything ok with you alliance? We are content with our honor efficient zugs. Why are you playing such heavy defense?


Lol you act like our zug brains care about towers. Just in it to win it towers are a bonus.

Have they got geared tanks in each bg?

It’s to punish horde for constantly trying to backcap. Alliance finally figuring out that the hard counter to horde back cap, is to grind them to dust in a turtle.

Horde can still win if they wait 1 more min for all bunkers to cap. Half the alliance are AFK on noob hill and won’t start Drek even with all towers down anyway.


I support taunting/resetting the boss when people pull without 2+ towers down lol.

Put a hand of protection on that tank too. Buy some time lol.



Actually impressive you guys get enough ppl there to do vann with 4 towers lol. All the whirlwinds be 1 shotting dps

The plague of honor botting has arrived as of today.
Everyone complaining about RDF is ignoring the real game-killing cancer:

Battlegrounds are about to be overrun with bots on both factions and nothing will be done to address it, and based on past anti-RMT/botting changes that were made, any change made to address it will likely be worse than issue itself.

Yea that is very impressive especially when I see some AV’s with 2 towers down and 10 secs in they wipe. Sounds like it was a premade group that had the tanks set up to tank each guy.

Half of the horde has no clue what they’re doing. Usually my games go like this. 25 people run straight to vann, afk and complain about defense while the 10 on defense are the only ones actually doing anything. And the other 5 are all level 61-65 rouges at mines who are getting one shot by any spell that isn’t a healing spell. Alliance pull then half the afkers just go “I guess we’re throwing”

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I mean I find it amazing Horde can down Vann with 4 warmasters up but cant realize how much honor they lose out on…

Which goes back to my previous question, what are AV queues like on Horde? I assume instant, I couldnt imagine waiting long for 300 honor “wins”.

Zuggers became so very accustomed to having a 95% winrate that anything else is seen as bad. So to them, very much yes, the winrate is what matters.

At the very most, 90 seconds.

I honestly think half the Zugs are bots.

They all rush north then end up dying half the time. Like, there are 30 of you. HOW?! That takes skill right there.

Then they spawn south. No one defends the graveyards. and we end up i a turtle.

Most people just want honor. But man, they aren’t very smart.

But…you lose more games that way

I love how when I came to the forums a few minutes ago, your post is right next to this one:

But, to answer your question, I think it just comes down to you misinterpreting peoples’ motivations because you are projecting.

Not everybody is trying to “maximize gains” or play in a way that most efficiently converts their time into game rewards. Whether you believe it or not, many many people choose to play a game they spend their time and money on in a way that is fun to them. What is fun for people isn’t something you get to choose for others. Some people enjoy spreadsheets.

They are simply doing what is most fun for them.

So you want to be banned?

I think it’s a fair statement to say that most people are doing it for the honor though. Just compare what AV was and what it is now.