Are High elves officially a playable race now?

If you want to blame someone for that whole debacle, blame the Horde as well. Garrosh did the whole divine bell incident precisely to stop the blood elves from joining the Allianxe.

First of all, this didn’t really need a new thread, sorry to say
Second of all, BE’s and VE’s have always been HE’s.


It all really depends on what you feel the name “High Elf” refers to. Is it the race? “High Elves” were originally Night Elves. The name “High Elf” was exactly that: a name. Something to differentiate themselves from other Elves. But it wasn’t the name of their race.

When the Elves settled in Quel’thalas and built the Sunwell, (some of them) became lighter skinned and they all became shorter. However, some Night Elves who called themselves “High Elves”, including Dath’remar Sunstrider, leader of the High Elves, already had light skin and blonde hair. So the “standard” skin and hair colors of High Elves wasn’t even a “Exiled Elf” thing, as they had that when they were still among the general Night Elven populace.

In the Blood Elven heritage questline, generic Elves were called “Thalassian Elves”. That appears to be the current Blizzard given name for the combined race of the various Elves. The names “Blood Elf”, “High Elf”, and “Void Elf” are all currently used names to differentiate between the different and splintered groups of Thalassian Elves.

Blizzard even stated quite specifically that “the surviving high elves changed their name to “blood elves” or sin’dorei (children of the blood in Thalassian) in remembrance of their fallen brethren, and no longer consider themselves high elven.”

Some people want to still call the entire race of Thalassian Elves “High Elves.” That’s fine. Go ahead. But in game, there is a very specific difference between what we call a “Blood Elf”, a “High Elf”, and a “Void Elf”, even though much of that is just political and social.

For me, I’ll be referring to the general race of Eastern Elves as “Thalassian Elves.”

Well considering people keep on saying “You already have high elves, they call void elves or Blood elves. LOL” before we got blue eyes and pale skin on both sides… and they seemingly try to flip the script and try to say “U not real high elves, LOL!”… because i guess being consistent takes effort apparently… And Blizzard sort of confirm this though lore that being high elves are learning what it’s like to be a void elf and the Blood elves sunwell being restored, resulting in less elves with fel eye syndrome…

It’s not exactly playable in the sense as their a separate race, but it’s close enough to be considered playable though customization.

Chronicle says only that they lost their violet hue. Not that they became lighter specifically.

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Sorry, there’ve been so many retcons and changes that it’s hard to keep track of.

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Chronicle is to my knowledge the most up to date in that regard.

Honestly though Fen, and just to add to your comment, Blizzard has never said also that Void Elves are not High Elves as well.

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True, though I’d probably label them Thalassian not high elven.

They bleed blue and have significant changes physically. (at least in the blueberry case)

Felblood are a different race I don’t see why velves wouldn’t be.

Honestly, if Blizzard could alter the models of the Void Elves to the concept the Legacy of the Quel’dorei community designed, that would be better for me :smiley:

As well as add more Void customizations and High Elven customizations

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That would be Violet Beauregarde, Veruca was the one who threw the fit about “I want it naow” and then went down egg chute…


A good general summary, however it is an exiled elf thing, specifically because the reason there were some that had already started changing, is the High Elves are descendants of the Highborne, those that used/dabbled most with the magic of the well of eternity (of which the Sunwell was made with waters from)

When those Highborne (which included Dath’remar) were exiled and founded Quel’Thalas (High Kingdom or High Home in Thalasian), and changed their name to High Elves as the race continued changing from the Highborne Nightelves to High Elves we know now.

And then the rest with it being only High Elves until political bits where the race chose to change their racial name to honor the dead after the attack on Quel’Thalas & Silvermoon (Sin’dorei/Blood Elves), and some small usually alliance leaning groups did not (and kept the name High Elves for themselves)

Where did you find my portrait.

Wait, that is you? Gosh, should’ve prewarned me before I put that up on my front door.

tbf I doubt there’s a whole lot of explicit information on the exact shades of various races’ skin colours.

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I doubt they want to either limit their options or seem like they may be insensitive.

Blood elves have been considered high elves since day 1


Blood elves are High elves who changed their name in honour of the bloodshed of their fallen brethren, lead by Kael’Thas Sunstrider.

Void elves are a small group of Blood elves who were exiled from Silvermoon after engaging in experiments using the Void. So since Void elves are Blood elf exiles, they are by default also High elves.

Both ‘‘races’’ are High elves by means of origin.

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You are correct. Though to be fair, I wasn’t far off with the High Elf crowd being like Veruca. Just got my Willy Wonka characters mixed up.


No harm, no foul… and yes you’re correct the crowd very much so…