Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

I suppose every elf family needs a red-headed stepchild. Welcome home, kiddo.


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I apologize to people who deserve apologies. :man_shrugging:

Predictable, you’ve decided to recluse yourself in pride for the sake of avoiding any shame. Exactly what I knew would happen.

Anyway, I’m done with being mob-trolled, and being used as an excuse for people to go mad. I’m out of this insane thread.

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A true visionary of our times.

The word is “seclude,” by the way.

You’re right, the word recluse would imply there aren’t 5 other fanatics there to pat your back when you’re wrong.

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No, recluse is literally just grammatically incorrect. Recluse is not a verb.

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Okay, you’re right. But at the same time, it doesn’t take away my point. One that you’re ignoring. The one that I’ve been trolled as soon as I’ve entered this thread with a dissenting opinion, something you people will keep overlooking for your end goal.

Could you possibly admit it? I truly wonder.

nods sagely English grammar is part of my field of study.

As have I, by you, and mine was nothing more than “everyone please stop spamming GD with the same post six times a day every day, there are two megathreads on the board exclusively for high elves.”

Who is “you people”? Like I’ve said before, I’m politically neutral in this Thalassian civil war. A conscientious objector, if anything. My end goal is to stop seeing the same damn thread repeated ad infinitum because people can’t contain this wretched topic.

I was trolling more or less :sunglasses: , but the point is if the man himself said this is what my elves look like then … But you are correct in my minds eye having read his works I would agree that it’s not what his writing leans to. Interesting thing however Legolas in the same animated film looks more like a Half Elf than a Silvan elf.

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Tolkien had a tendency of changing his mind far after the fact, evidenced by him taking over a decade to actually finish writing LOTR and the fact that he never finished the Silmarillion before his death. His son had to comb through his manuscripts and notes to compile something that would make sense.

Yours was passive aggressively silencing me. I didn’t, because you don’t have authority on where I post. You then got angry, and said:

Meanwhile, the whole thread, I’ve defended myself. That’s not trolling.

You literally browbeat me to actually write that post. Is your memory selective, or are you just well-versed at this half-logical debating thing you’ve got going on?

Context is key.

I can’t force anyone to type a single thing on this forum, and nor do I recommend it. You should act the same, and not pretend to have authority where people post.

Oh, no, you’re just mildly amusing. I actively play devil’s advocate and mildly annoy people on the forums hoping for that rare glimmer of passion that some small fraction of the human race still has within it.

I don’t even know what to make of this post. I know it’s an insult, and that it’s condescending, that’s for sure. If there’s nothing else though, I think I’m good on not contributing anymore to the conversation that you started.

I’m not insulting you. I’m trying to see if you’re actually passionate about anything you’ve posted here. In my daily life I encounter hundreds of people milling about aimlessly with dull, lifeless eyes. I like seeing those rare few who actually have some fire in them, no matter what its about or at whom its directed.

That’s admirable, to be honest, not really kidding. But others may find that manipulative at first glance, so I wouldn’t tell that to many people. Good day.


It is. It’s also the only way I can stand to interact with half the people I do.
Night friendo.

Oh lol what kind of person gets this salty about Fanart dear jesus.

Also you are factually wrong; they are Void Elf model edits.


Personally I don’t post my artwork outside the HE thread, but if someone wants to share it around I’m not gonna be mad. But it’s really off-putting when someone treats your artwork as something that seems to offend them.