and Tinker could be the right thing
I find Gnomes in general to be weird. That’s why I love them.
But they heal ppl lol
Just feels like mixing together 2 things that couldn’t possibly be more different from eachother.
In fact, healing people with the light doesn’t require any surgery.
If she’s performing surgery on people she heals with a few spells and prayers, then I imagine one could sue for malpractice
It isn’t so flippant, class selection is decided by a large mass of that race for whatever reason choosing to be that class, so it makes little sense for the spiritual tauren to use demon magic or to practice arcane when it isn’t endorsed by their peoples and are raised thinking its bad.
They are a reflection of their peoples unless said race is adventurous and has no cultural or such other bias against arcane or demonc, such as trolls who only look to benefit their people.
It makes perfect sense.
No I totally agree. I think a lot of class restrictions are unfair.
Unless your physiology completely prevents you from being a class, then you should be able to be that class.
Like I said above, I don’t think gnomes shouldn’t be allowed to be priests. It just feels weird. It’s “playing against type”
Like making a Half-Orc wizard in DND. Perfectly reasonable, just an odd choice.
It makes sense for gnomes, they even had a belief survey if they believed they were by products of the titans or not and the discovery of something or other increased the statistic of the belief of their titan construct origin.
So it shows there is still some debate about this among gnomes.
Thought I just realized this doesn’t touch on the priest arguement, they still exist regardless so they must meet the faith requirements.
I would suggest not to perceive gnomes how you want them to be perceived in comparison to how they are, because the existence of priests already suggests they have faith towards the light among their kind, and even towards the void as there is a shadow priest gnome who has visions in the priest order hall.
I love that the Gnomes actually handle most things through democratic elections and councils of their greatest minds.
It’s a nice contrast to all the Kings and dynasties and royal families.
Gnomes don’t need to deal with that.
Wasn’t Mekkatorque democratically elected to the position of High Tinker? I remember reading that somewhere.
The RPG has this to say about Gnome Religion
(Source: World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, second Edition, page 40)
Faith: Gnomes place their loyalty in
themselves, in their friends and in their
inventions. A few follow a loftier path and pay their
respects to the Holy Light. Since the Ironforge dwarves’
recent discovery of their Titanic origins, the gnomes
think that they too may be products of the Titans. This
fact is very uncertain, however; if it is true, the gnomes
as yet remain estranged from their ancestral powers.
That’s really all it says. So Gnome priests would be rare but not unheard of.
It also says:
Favored Class: Tinker. A multiclass gnome’s tinker
class does not count when determining whether she
suffers an experience point penalty for multiclassing (see
Chapter Three: Classes, “Multiclass Characters,” XP for
Multiclass Characters).
That’s right.
I find gnome priests weird… but it has nothing to do with being a priest.
The devs disregarded the rpg even in 1.0 so
Hey man, at least the Warcraft rpg didn’t try to tell us:
“Everything that has happened in the past 20 years was all done by knockoff thanos, in order to fulfill a motive that no one knows about.”
Try a mechagnome shadow priest
The entire race is about going back to their original robotic form, pursuing upgrades and merging ever more with technology
Meanwhile also worshipping the very gods responsible for the curse of flesh and the ENTIRE reason the Mechagnomes are no longer titan constructs
Makes absolutely no sense at all
Obviously a Mechagnome Shadow Priest is attempting to use the void to reverse mechanization and become a regular Gnome again.
Of course. It only makes sense.
Mechagnomes don’t make sense to me as any of the classes. Especially without the existence of something like Tinker.
A high tech race from a high tech culture that is so zealous towards the power of technology that they actively try to replace their mortal bodies with as much technology as possible.
“What class should I play?”
“I dunno, make a Warrior or something”
Hey, we can see the Light just like anyone else. In fact, with our highly efficient eyeglasses, we can see it better than most!
Probably see those elusive invisible ultraviolet Naaru
The science and study of the Light and its practices does not preclude us from its use.
Neither is faith contrary to science especially when we can prove that the Light and its patrons exist.
Why wouldn’t Mechagnomes study the light for practical applications?
Also titan constructs often utilize the light… Why wouldn’t king Mechagon have us study it while he was alive?
Prince Erazmin isn’t every mechagnome.
Or, in a world where gods are pretty clearly defined and existent beings, maybe they just believe they exist and can study them, or just simply have belief?
Honestly people who think Gnome priests is odd are the ones “tryharding the lore.”
Which is cool and all, but in this world why wouldn’t a doctor want to learn to use the light to heal?
Most Real World Scientists are religious.
That was my name in graduate school.
^ ^ ^
True, they’re really more extremely skilled damage dealers. Removing the parts that hurt you… with knives and poisons…
I mean, when you boil it down.
The devs disregarded all WoW lore in 9.0 so