Are Gnome Priests weird to anyone else?

The rpg is still not and has never been canon. Whether 9.0 sucks is irrelevant to that

Took the words right out of my mouth.

It’s not like that statement from the RPG doesn’t hold up in wow’s canon tho.
The RPG may not be explicitly canon, but that particular quote holds true regardless.

Like, say for example the Undermine, which is primarily referenced in the RPG. Is an actual place in WoW’s canon. We just haven’t been there in game.

So: that IS canon until the game makes a new interpretation of it. Does that make any sense?

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I’m aware that that’s always been the RPer motto whenever canon clashes with popular RP fanon

As I said above, several things from the RPG can be taken, and integrated into WoW’s canon with no faults or issues.

See my example above Regarding the Undermine.

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Except gnomes have priests so at the very least they’re common enough to be playable without having to do this silly bit of preemptive gatekeeping

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Uh… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion.

I just think it’s choosing against the obvious type for your race. It’s something plenty of people do in pen-and-paper RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. Just that I find it’s an odd choice to make.

And, originally, they didn’t.

Also the RPG that you’re bashing literally says there are gnome priests. And they’re not explicitly uncommon.
So what are you taking issue with here?

Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week!

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As someone else said:

“To heal” someone, as a transitive verb, is a supernatural ability. No human being in history has ever healed another. You can do things that facilitate healing - we call that medicine.

Curing disease, yeah, we’ve cured diseases. But nobody has ever healed someone else.

I think this thread was designed to lure Grumbles into giving away free cookies :cookie: :yum:


Shh! Don’t let him know!!!

:upside_down_face: also no, I just think it’s a goofy class race pairing.

But I wouldn’t say no to a certain Cookie-dispensing gnome. :cookie:

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Well I think our disagreement stems solely on the definition of the word, as I have always thought to heal meant (from Oxford) “(of a person or treatment) cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again. “his concern is to heal sick people””
Which doctors and nurses do. It doesn’t necessarily involve supernatural ability or prayers.

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Correct. These interactions with the prince are funny though the process of forced origination I think will explain much of their class makeup similar to the situation of Void Elves. :octopus:

…but not Lightforged Draenei. This excuse won’t explain the lack of classes there.

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That was how I figured it! Sure, they’ve been pals with humans and dwarves for quite a while, now, and, hey, maybe there were a few odd gnome priests here and there… but with the need for adventurers and soldiers being at an all-time high, well, I bet there are a lot of young and not-so-young gnomes being approached or called to serve the Light and the Alliance.

So long as their heals don’t come up short, I don’t mind.


Actually, within the lore the Gnome Priests are Medics and look at the Light in a more scientific way, much like how Mages look at magic in a math way.

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I made a mechagnome priest once, was super weird

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I know a couple RL pastors who are technofreaks, and love every new upgrade they get.

I also know a couple athiest technophobes.


Well, no.

Speaking as an anthropologist (scientist) who plays holy priest, not at all.

No weirder than the warts of “living” flesh scattered around on the landscape that skinners can take advantage of.