Are Gnome Priests weird to anyone else?

magic objectively exists in the wow universe, why wouldn’t scientists use it?


Prior to Cataclysm there was a common complaint that gnomes were the only race which didn’t have access to any healer classes. Cata gave them priests because priests have the most flexible lore interpretations; gnome priest NPCs are mostly flavored as “medics” rather than religious figures.


Yeah, they are just straight up medics and that’s the whole explanation.
As for that Goblin Monk example above, it because of Pandaren not being on Kezan, There’s nothing actually stopping them from learning, There’s even one in the Monk Class Hall on top of the inn.


There’s a funny story about that as one WoD garrison follower changed model into the Goblin mage. Grogfist has since disappeared.

In Legion, Tulgorz Grogfist was changed into Gakkiz Blusterblast resulting into a possibility of recruiting two Gakkiz Blusterblasts, a mage and a monk.

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To me, it’s always been weird that people equate medical practitioners with “healers”.

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Void elf and nightbourne demon hunter might not work.

Void elf always has embraced the void intimately, you can’t embrace 2 things on that level of intimacy at once, you are either fully void or fel, the process would probably even kill the elf.

Nightbourne is tricky because lorewise blood elves are more likely to die by the process due to the magic inside, with nightbourne this is juiced up even more they either might die even more or its just impossible.


No more strange than it was when we got Undead Monks and Hunters, Tauren Lights.

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None of those are strange tho, Undead monk was interesting but it makes sense in the long run.

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There’s felborne we fight in Suramar, so nightborne dh seem plausible, could even be those felborne being allowed back into the society.
But voidelves… one could theory they were a dh before the void attack, but it would be very likely to be the death of them, indeed.

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why is that?

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They are also defined by curiosity, experimentation, and innovation. They’ve spent a long time shacking in Ironforge and hanging around the human kingdoms, it was inevitable that some of them would want to learn how that light and shadow stuff their friends kept throwing around worked.


I think the description earlier about warcraft’s deities and “gods” actually being confirmed to exist in their universe is the simplest answer.

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Faith so strong you know they exist would be pretty powerful, haha.

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It’s not so much that a Nightborne or a Void Elf learns to be a Demon Hunter.
What I’m getting at is that they left their factions to become DH’s before the communities split.

A Night Elf Demon Hunter might choose to follow Thalyssra on the horde side and be a “Nightborne”, or a Blood Elf one might choose to join Alleria on the alliance side and be a “Void Elf”. Since the racials on both sides more or less amount to “knowing some basic Arcane / Shadow magic”, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Like the Pandas, there’s no reason they couldn’t choose their own allegiance now that there’s an organization on each side.

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He’s on to me you guys.

I thing this is a huge stretch. Healing people by saying a prayer could not be more different from Medicine and disinfection.

I would like to have an actual medic-esque class that does these things. And not priest.

Like, those two things could not be more thematically far apart from eachother

Take your like and get out.

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Because it’s a foolish, antiquated notion.

I assume it’s like OG Belf priests (WC3 H/Belf priests are pretty much light mages - iirc they’re even called priest mages when they do scourge flashbacks in wow - I’m pretty sure astromancers in BC and Legion were meant to be some weird mashup of disc/shadow with a bit of balance druid)

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They might be a bit weird lorewise, but they’re so adorable wearing priest tier (especially that set with wings) that it doesn’t matter.

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The gnome priest trainer in Stormwind is a chief surgeon;


Honestly the culture crap doesn’t make sense, if it were a real world, most people would choose what they wanted to become.

Class/race restrictions is a bit silly if you ask me, unless by some sort of transformation that restricts certain class combinations, like perhaps a demon hunter.

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