Are druids getting buffed tomorrow?

Rank 14 in OG and 2019 and currently ERA on whitemane. I don’t recognize parsing in classic as any potato can clear classic content so it is irrelevant.

Unfortunately I was in sodas guild in 2019 when they were exploiting the Tanaris chest quest :d

I am one of the best in classic because all i do is pvp and have learned from some of the best in the game. I have had the privilege of playing with a couple of R1s across several expacs. You get to learn a lot from some of those dudes.

But mostly a bajallion hours of pvping and practice. Its fun, its just a game. Its just not very good anymore :d

I only got Rank 10 in OG. You had to no life the game to get R14, my friend who was way sweatier and played Mage could only get 13, it was brutal back then. If you couldn’t play WoW for the day, you were screwed and this is 2004. I was literally 15 or 16 playing almost all day.

whatever you say bot.


In short, SoD pvp is a mess. It has been a mess since p1 and you suppose it would be different in p4?

I would assume they would buff the worse 5 specs in pvp at the very least

It’s actually disgusting the blatant disregard they have for Boomkins. To be left this low for 4 phases now makes no sense.

Give us the spell power buff for half your spirit stat you just gave warlocks. I saw some datamined data of a buffed starfire but they never made that go live. Total crap to leave us in the gutter this long. You have the average classes doing 2700-3500 dps well boomkins sit at 2200 is actually disgusting. We should be buffed to 3000 dps for leaving us trash tier for 4 phases now

Things I would like to see

  1. Half of spirit is now spell power.
  2. 15% crit modifier added to moonkin aura for Druid only.
  3. Moonkin form DOT damage modifier buffed to 100%. Instead of 50%
  4. Buff Star Surge damage 30%. It crits for 900 in PvP. Hunters are hitting 2000 chimera shot crits with the same CD and it’s fine. Star surge was over nerfed
  5. Give us that buffed rank of starfire that was datamined with the 100 mana cost
  6. Make innervate a 3 min cd and 100% mana return. Not based on spirit for mana return.
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Its even worse for pvp’rs because the buff was for MOONKIN form and you arent sitting in bird form tryn world pvp you’re shifting/firing and moving

Some of these are actually decent ideas. I think some of these plus tweaking world buffs to help casters more would even the overall playing field between melee and casters. Melee would still be top dog with the fights being so short, but that’s not the main concern. Every class should feel good to play when you hit your buttons right, you shouldn’t be pulling off perfect rotations only to find out you’re at minimum 25-30% behind in dps.

Dog, you were getting smashed by Rogues as a Druid in P1

Stopped reading right there.

I wasn’t getting smashed by anything at any phase. That doesn’t mean I don’t know whats bonkers broken and what needs adjusted.

Druid P1 was running circles spamming sunfire. If you touch a druid they die, every phase.

Nobody knows who you are little bro :skull: