Are DHs happy with current Meta playstyle?

Hey y’all, a humble vassal from the Warlock forums.

We have a bunch of threads going regarding Shadowlands and a lot of us bring up how MoP/WoD Demonology was amazing, how much we all miss it, how much it was an improvement from WOTLK Meta, etc.

For those unaware, Demonology Warlock Meta in MoP/WoD was a rage-buildup stance dancing “capacitor” spec. You could constantly shift in and out of Meta at your discretion, save up for burst, or manage it otherwise. We also had abilities that would change while in Meta.

WOTLK Meta was a 3 minute CD reduced via certain procs.

Basically DH got WOTLK Warlock Meta rather than MOP/WOD Warlock Meta.

So are yall happy with it? Or would you rather stance dancing and more agency/control on your Meta?

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I would much prefer a enter meta whenever you want kind of playstyle but would need alot of tuning and balancing out, so much so that i rather not see it changed lol. If anything most gripe I have is the simple rotation we have.


I’m satisfied with the gameplay, all I would ask for is a glyph that lets me toggle between meta appearance.


I love everything about Demon Hunter currently. Although I wish Demonic was baseline.

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I also think Demonic should be baseline (for both specs) because it’s extremely difficult to balance a talent row that has to compete with it. I honestly think it would be less of a headache for Blizzard to balance the class this way.

Edit: word


You know, my initial impulse on this was “eh, we don’t really need it”. However, I rather enjoyed MoP Demo, especially Dark Apotheosis (I’m still salty as hell that they removed it because “a spec shouldn’t be be able to both DPS and tank” in the exact same patch they added Gladiator Stance), so I’m not really opposed. It would, of course, require a complete revamp of our kit, since we’re currently geared around a generate/consume model, and capacitor systems really only have generators (and then the consumers in form, possibly in-place transforms of the generators).

What really sold me, however, is how freakin amazeballs a capacitor system would be for Vengeance. Now that would be highly thematic and fun gameplay system for a tank. You build up fury with generators, and dynamically pop in and out of meta to increase your durability against burst damage. Honestly, that’d actually be insanely fun.


Well, if only Blizz did not decide not to make any significant overhauls, even on specs that need it.

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I mean, after they ran out of time from their like 3 moderate revamps in the BfA alpha, we probably should have seen that coming. I’ve said it before, but WoW is being run as if it has around a quarter as many devs as it had during earlier expansions. I’m not sure what happened to all of those devs, but they definitely ain’t working on the game (or if they are, they’re being absolutely buried by managerial red tape).

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I would love a 2nd DPS spec that steals the MoP/WoD style of play. That way Havoc could stay as the easy melee DPS spec that Blizzard seems to want it to be and have a 2nd spec that requires a bit more thought.


MOP demo could have easily been demon hunters 3rd spec.

We haven’t got a ranged dps added to the game and this would be a hybrid range/ melee dps


I feel like the only absent ability or rather mechanic we’re missing is Bloodlet.

Fury of the Illidari was really nice as well.

If I had to pick though I’d go Bloodlet any day.

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i have been desperately trying to find an alt tank that i enjoy as much as my DH, i have tried every single tank except paladin, and nothing comes close to my DH as far as fun.

so yea, i would say im enjoying it.

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