Except no competent player is going to invite an unknown person into a higher key without previous key experience for that dungeon, regardless of ilvl . Being 600+ and completing T8 delves does not necessarily qualify you for say a M+7 key with no mythic experience in that dungeon.
No competent player would try jumping straight into a 7 or higher with no previous experience either. Its not an all or nothing thing. You can gear up in delves and run through lower keys for rating and experience quicker than if you hadn’t also done delves.
For sure, is that bad? I wouldn’t think so, unless the argument is a lower number of skilled people hanging around low keys. Which I’m pretty sure is by design nowadays, either because the elites were crying about having to do low keys, or this company not wanting people to be able to farm up one of their too many upgrade currencies too quickly.
No? I didn’t think I was suggesting it was bad. I think delves are fine and don’t see them as invalidating M+ as some people are saying.
I’d say they’re right where they should be, although some classes / specs may struggle a bit too much.
It is kinda weird to have an easier time running solo content as a DPS spec than my tank spec though. Super counter intuitive to take more damage because I’m playing my tank spec and not my DPS spec.
I don’t disagree, but otherwise doing them as a tank w/out a time limit is trivial, and more or less couldn’t be failed (as long as you follow some simple mechanics)
It’d be slow.
Really, really slow.
Which kinda feeds into the other problem- the logical solution is to bring a DPS buddy but that makes you take even more damage.
Yeah, the whole scaling thing didn’t seem very well thought out. Sorta like deleting half the guild banks in the game and not fixing it.
Oh, that’s because they have no way of knowing or proving what was in the bank.
That’s an excuse, and a poor one.
They most certainly do have ways of knowing, it’s just too much work for them.
They have records and logs of EVERYTHING that goes down in this game, do not doubt it. They just don’t want to expend the manpower to fix it, and they probably already fired the people that could have done it in a timely fashion.
And? Explain the problem.
Delves difficulty should either be increased or gear lowered to Normal Raid.
It’s essentially made Normal Raid pointless.
Armory me.
You run +9 +10 +11 for achivement
M+ rendered normal raids pointless LONG before delves were a thing.
I have no clue. I don’t do group content like Mythics or Raids.
My Druid/Hunter/Warlock are soloing lvl 10 Delves and are at about 605 ilvl each. Is that too high?
Bountifuls with a key are the… key… lol
What made me laugh is realizing this argument hinges on a false notion that we can’t do both M+ and Delves.
No one is being forced to choose one. It’s not “Team Delve” vs “Team M+”…
No, for three reasons
- Limited on how many Keys you get a week, where M+ is infinite
- There is a limit to the iLvl of the gear and it’s far below M+'s limit
- It’s not content that is designed for M+ players, and it doesn’t infinitely scale either.
I believe the mistake most people fall into is that ilvl of item is the only reason anything is valuable and must equate to the difficulty of the thing. Two sources of ilvl 600 items MUST be the same level of difficulty when that’s just not the case.
Delves are content for those of us that just don’t want to do M+. Either because we don’t have time, or don’t want to deal with the stuff around it. It innately has a limit to the level we can get to, and that’s going to be enough for most of us.
Honestly shouldn’t the people running M+ be happy that they can easily skip the first 5-6 levels of keys anyway? Get to the fun stuff? (I may be misunderstanding it).
And it doesn’t invalidate other content either, I run delves and I run LFR. Delves give higher ilvl, but LFR can just be fun to do for a variety of reasons. Same with Mythic 0 Dungeons.
for me, the delves are a fun way to spend the time when i have it. it is also a way for me to gear up for m+.
I run m+ for score, not for gear. I get gear and resources along the way, but the score is my goal.
if your goal is the best possible gear, then you need to be mythic raiding, end of story.