Are casters allowed anything?

It’s not a dragon class. It is an amalgamation of various other races and the result of an experiment Neltharion did by meshing together all races of the old world into the shape of something dragon-esque.

No. It shouldn’t. It should remain a caster.

You’ve plenty of toys to play with. Let the casters have something nice now.


That is why ranged and healer make sense, but that doesn’t exclude melee or tank. Do you not see the impressive physical attributes Dracthyr have? Their claws and such?


No they’re not muscular at all they’re very light weight obviously designed with the idea of being mobile fast moving casters not frontline bulky fighters

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OK, so you’re just trolling. Got it. Have a nice day.


I agree. Every new class introduced to the game has been melee:DK,Monk,DH…My class even LOST a spec to melee during Legion. It’s about time ranged got a new class. We have enough melee classes in game. Time for range to get something new.


Your terms are acceptable.

I’m not trolling. Just because you don’t like the lore we’ve been given and the information presented doesn’t mean the person delivering it is somehow trolling.

We’ve been told repeatedly that dracthyr are not traditional dragons and as such, do not operate in the same way which is obvious in their gameplay, the explanations, etc. They are not melee inclined characters. They are mid ranged caster combatants.


This is silly. It is literally irrelevant if they have additional specs or not.

Anyway, evoker is fine (though very boring after testing) but Dracthyr need additional classes.

Dracthyr are awesome and I want to play one but evokers are really dull. Will definitely stick to mage for the caster. lol


Sure they were mostly melee because until Legion we had less melee specs. And only pulled ahead because of the survival swap. Not that I agree with it but it’s the only reason I can think of why.

The simple solution would have been to let them tank elsewhere honeslty. Would I have loved an evoker tank Sure, would I have be just as happy to be a dragon warrior yes.

This is the real solution


Here, I’ll just quote myself and save someone else the work.


Not to argue with how they’re labeled but only two of those really seem like black dragonflight specific abilities.

The other two are pretty generic dragon stuff that probably got the label to check some boxes.


That is one thing I really like about Rift was the way they did their souls. Every archetype had ranged/melee/heal/tank and support options. Nightmare to balance I’m sure but man it was fun and easy to make groups.

Dragon warrior would be best warrior. :heart:


There not that big

As someone that is a tank and a ranged player I was personally hoping for both.

Really would have liked to have a single character that could perform both roles that isn’t a druid.

Druids smell funny and I don’t like them.

It’s okay though. I’m not torn up about it. lol


I’m super excited for our first ever Hero Caster, but having said that there’s no reason for them not to have a tank spec. Black dragonflight can fill the missing role of a mail INT tank; something not seen since Shaman Tank. On the flip side, give shaman tank


Highly debatable. Have you seen the asinine balancing issues in this game? Putting another spec would have just taken the focus away from the other two specs.

Because it’s locked to the new race too. That’s a legit gripe.


This. I also feel it’s perhaps not the best choice of limiting a possible tank spec. Heaven knows we need as many tanks signing up for this role as possible and by limiting this choice, we might have even less now if they just want to stick with the new race/class.

I have no horse in this race as I tend to play healers myself, but I generally think it’s a silly idea not to include a melee spec. I’m thinking they’ll throw in a third spec as a bone to entice players to come back/stay once the initial rush of subbing starts to drop.