I think giving dracthyr a melee spec would not be a very good idea given how they seem to play. They are supposed to be all swooshy and mobile. DH already fill that niche for melee and tanks. I would however like to see them be warriors in time. That would work. But it’s totally fine for casters after all this time, to get something that doesn’t have to be also for melee.
Exactly Evoker as ranged/heals…good fine.
Dracthyr as only Ranged/heals…bad disappointing to players who can’t main those 2 roles.
Because it makes sense that a dragon fighter would be able to both tank and mdps. Dragons are about the tankiest thing in wow and they have claws perfect for slashing.
It would have made sense for Monk to have rdps. Not sure how they would have shoehorned it into DH/DK, but if they had, I don’t know any melee player who would have cried about it.
Can’t change the past, but the solution to past wrongs is generally never future wrongs.
What entitlement? Asking for the option to play melee/tank on the new race like you can on every other race that’s been added to wow since TBC is a pretty fair request.
Well I wouldn’t recommend spamming as that’s a forum use violation, but go for it. That’d be more interesting than most of the nonstop Sunday threads we’ve been getting for months.
I mean in one sense yeah, but at the same time look at how entitled some of the ranged people have been acting. I keep seeing the complaint that you guys never got a new class, sure that’s 100% accurate and yeah we likely could have at least had a ranged monk spec. But blizzard is no more required to have made a rdps/heal class that’s only ranged than the would be to give the other side a tank spec or more class options.
This thread has been mostly calm but the ones back around april/may when a lot of it was asking for more class options were filled with people angry that melee would even want the race to have more options, wishing that Dracthyr would forever only be Evoker and such.
Which eventually fed into most of the movement either jumping on the Evoker tank band wagon instead of the simpler solution. Then you get people so focused on the tank spec that not only do they shout down the more classes people but they rile up the ranged people who then want to oppose any change out of principle. Even a change that would not effect them like adding warriors.
I’ll be real I would have loved this as a 4 spec class for two main reasons. I could have a ranged dps/ tank main that isn’t a chicken. And mail would finally have a tank options. But I don’t want them trying to rejigger things to addon a non-planned spec at the last minute because it would be detrimintal.
Adding an evoker tank spec can run congruent to adding classes to dracthyr. Neither of which take anything away from casters
So a very obvious solution that satisfies various arguments is evoker tanks, that’s why people are jumping on the idea. Again there has been plenty discussion of how the whole class doesn’t need to get reworked and opposed the claim of it being detrimental it could also be a great success. From there what ever it ends up you will still have tuning like with every other class in the game since the beginning. None of that dismisses other classes to dracthyr. To me it makes more sense to launch evokers with three specs, then add classes to dracthyr in a major patch. That makes sense from a sales pov and aligns with the lore being developed for them. Side note to that though- i see only 2 of the other tank classes fitting the lore and those two classes are arguably the same tank style; so what is the actual problem of getting a tank spec for evokers?
You should be… Blizzard Dev’s clearly follow these conversations. I imagine if there is enough buzz and it’s within the limitations of the WoW engine, they will do it.
The problem with Dracthyr as I see it is a trust issue. The modern WoW experience feels like it is taking more agency away from players while the Dev team seems to be doubling down on saying its for the “concept” of player agency. Introducing a new race then limiting their class options to 2 ranged specs is in direct contrast to their philosophy.
Dracthyr get crazy amounts of customization: but who cares if you can only make 1 and then only play it as an alt if you don’t like Evoker play style.
I’ve played Evoker on the Beta… aside from soar and deep breath, nothing about the classes play style feels especially dragon specific. Additionally none of the Evoker abilities are so removed from possible melee that a tank spec would break the class… Even the core class talent tree seems to have had a tank spec in mind.
But lets think about what WoW has been vs what it is now:
DK’s were initially meant to be a hybrid of tank/dps class that had huge self sustain. It was available to ALL races in the game when it launched.
Monk isn’t a hero class but when released was available to multiple races. Also it provided a nice balance to the MMO Trinity.
DH’s were a niche class derived from a lore specific faction and were available to two races that had several other options. I think a third ranged spec could exist here, weaving throwing glaives between fel infused spells.
Dracthyr barely fit within the lore of Dragon fantasy in WoW and for “reasons” they can’t be any other spec… Not even the core ones like warrior, hunter, mage… (I’d add priest to this too, but with Evoker I could see maybe priest isn’t core to them. However, given Dragon ties to elements and nature, Shaman and Druid probably make a lot of sense.)
Evoker is supposed to be the Dracthyr just using their core strengths, but after playing them, I can safely say that this only applies to like 2 abilities.
Deep Breath, Soar, wing buffet, and tail swipe litterally could be their racials.
If Blizzard wanted to double down on the Dracthyr/Evoker only combo… then I would have looked to the lore… Like Druid, 4 specs.
- Red, mid-ranged dps with healing utility and melee finishers (something like Red Mage in ffxiv)
- Green, healing heavy focus.
- Blue, Full ranged dps.
- Black, Tank spec.
- Bronze magic infused with each for rewind and time based utilities like enemy slows, and haste buffs.
At best Dracthyr/Evoker feels like a lazy rushed concept meant to generate interest just for the love the Fantasy community has for dragons. At worst, playing Dracthyr/Evoker feels like an insult to the player base, as you enter the Dragon Isles and see Dragons taking many different races for their visages, and races on the islands that are more fleshed out.
I love WoW… but my first impression of the Dragon Isles and Dracthyr/Evoker… this isn’t the wild open world fantasy MMO i logged into 18 years ago… its WoW-land theme park in California…. Complete with a ring master yelling “Welcome to the Dragon Isles” as soon as you land.
They literally designed the class to have all of the aspects powers so naturally every role would have all those capabilities. They wouldnt necessarily have to take an ability away from the healer, they can just make a new ability to suit tanks is all I’m saying. Then everyone can be satisfied.
The most outspoken people against evoker tanks literally lose nothing with them being added in - nor can they provide a single argument for evoker tanks being bad/unwanted to the game.
You’re right we should get a warlock tank spec.
Warlocks have had their time holding agro lol but if you do feel that strongly about them then I encourage you to share that idea with blizzard. If you gather enough backing, like we are trying to do here with evoker tanks, then hopefully you can one day get it implemented into the game.
It goes with out saying that wanting something put into the game does not invalidate what others may want added. In this specific discussion warlocks getting an additional spec or an existing one altered is irrelevant to discussing a 2 spec class getting a third spec and having that third spec be the obvious most fitting spec -tank
You get cloth… can’t you just be happy with your CLOTH!
Sitting on my mm hunter wondering why people don’t consider me a caster with my 2.5s aimed shot casts lol
Can’t wait for a hunters debuff coming.
You mean stealing…sorry, “borrowing” a Demon Hunters ability and then having to return it when they finally get added in?
I agree… I can’t play melee at all… Tried and always failed… I’m glad for new Caster Class…
Would a caster themed tank make you inclined to try a different role? If not would the addition of a 3rd tank spec take away from you being able to play as a caster?
You have to remember they are a hybrid race not total dragon