Are casters allowed anything?

It’s clearly a Tauren class

Like i said earlier just give them warrior
Problem solved
As i understand the problem doesnt lie with evoker not aving tank/melee dps but with dractyr only being evoker. Not all class are fit for evoker as some didnt exist when they went dorment as far as i know but warrior is pretty much universal and did exist back then as titan keeper if im not mistaken. So it work for both the lore and problem solving

evokers should have a 3rd spec and that spec should be a caster tank, change my mind

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Dragons are usually attacking from range.

What about in EoE?

You named one fight… look at all the dragons you fight in the game. 99% of the literally swipe at you with their claws/tail (even bite at you) and occasionally breathe fire or other mechanics. Even the dragonkin wield weapons.

Also, IF they had tanks, they’d be the bronze dragon flight.

It could be both Bronze and Black since they evoker harness the power of all aspects.

This logic makes no sense. If gnomes or goblins die, they can become dks. If gnomes or goblins train to be warriors or brewmasters, they can be…

Drakthyr/Dragons are naturally built to be superior in melee and melee defense with claws/horns/scales.

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Dude did you see the sick Talons hand and feet armor options? These look ready to tear something apart! I wish this was a tank capable class!

But eh it is what it is at this point :slight_smile:


Hot take: make demo lock a big felguard tank.

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It revolves around me. If I didn’t exist, none of you would. You’re all figments of my imagination. When I truly wake up, you’ll all disappear!

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Why not have more tank options that some people might enjoy more then the rest? A dps or healer main might try it out and be like woah, this is fun, and boom, more tanks. Same situation with dks. I’m sure people enjoyed blood (or frost when it was the tank spec) and switched to dk to tank. I know I did because I thought dual wielding tank was really interesting.

Rather, I want a evoker melee spec. It would be fun. If we only give them the existing tank classes, you lose out on the dragon aspect abilities that come with the evoker class which is what I would look forward to.

I’m not saying that my warrior wouldn’t be cool as a drakthyr. I’d dig that too so why not have both options.


  1. ) a dragon race without melee or tank opportunities.

2.) How a tank spec would be to your detriment.

You have any idea how little most melee users would care in monk, dk, dh, got a ranged spec? None. If anything, they’d be happy.

Grow. Up.



Melee evoker should happen and so should other cool ideas for existing/nonexisting classes. Don’t be greedy and strip happiness from others because your not happy. Not like you have the power to decide weather or not melee evoker happens.

For those who are happy that it’s announced as caster only, why do you care if it also has something that would make me happy? Is it because I would be happy too? I wanted to be a dragon from the very beginning of wow but never enjoyed being a ranged caster, but because I play melee, I shouldn’t be allowed to play a class based around the dragon i looked so forward to playing. If it were the reverse, i wouldn’t give any grief if it had a caster spec. Why would I? Why set a limit? It doesn’t make sense.

Here here!

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Evoker is a class genius. Not a race. And I never said I have “power.”. Don’t quote me out of context like some high school dropout who just learned how to cut and paste. Had you bothered to read beyond that one quote you would have seen I have no problem with other classes being given to DRACTHYR (the race you are all hot and bothered about but don’t know the name of.) I’m just not interested in picking up the forks and pitchforks for you melee people because

1.) I don’t care.
2.) This is the first new ranged class since the game began
3.) They will most likely come in future expansions

Do you understand now or do I need to write this for a third time since you seem to be on the slow side?

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Who peed on your Cheerios? Go outside or something and chill.

Evoker should have been a 4 spec class like druids.

And it having melee spec also wouldn’t hurt that at all.

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Oh my this thread still goin… swapped over to Rikira here when I became a healer main for my guild with the intention to swap to my Dracthyr come pre-patch as I prefer to post on my main so haven’t been seein any of the notifications :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Anyway hello people who disagree and agree with my opinion just want you all to know that after getting Beta and playing Dracthyr Evoker myself… my opinion remains unchanged :dracthyr_tea:

Edit: oh and just to add some kindling too the fire because I’m evil it seems that Dracthyr will be able to use two handed and one handed axes, maces and swords going off their collections

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Death Knight, Monk and Demon Hunter having ranged wouldnt have hurt anyone either, yet here we are.


Yes which is why after playing Evoker I’m so against a Tank spec as it would inevitably result in time dilation a very valuable ability that Preservation Evokers can talent into being taken away.

I mean yeah they said that earlier on the weapons.

But why should they do it? Just because people are ticked that might not play the new class?

Hi … ranged only player have gotten nothing from new classes out of the last 3. Melee players be all “oh good you threw ranged a bone but gimme the new class too cause I’m over the last 3 new ones you gave me.”

Gods the absolute entitlement of the players in this game now is beyond.

I want to play Night Elf Shaman. I’m gonna make 15 forum posts about how unfair it is that Bliz denies me this happiness.


Yes well I’ve wanted the fantasy of playing a Night Elf shaman for years but I’m not on the forums complaining to the ether in hopes that Blizz sees it that I can’t.

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