Are boomkins a thing in classic?

Curious if anyone found any uses for a boomkin or if feral / bear the only options for a druid.

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nothing compare to what boomkins are in retail. I dont see them often. Almost never.

Feral or Healer are basically the choices. Boomkin are often called OoMkin because they have nothing to help them in that regard which really hits their potential as a caster.

Boomkins are pretty bad in PvE. And theyā€™re bad in PvP as well due to being locked out of using heals while in boomkin form.

There are, however, some very good PvP balance builds. But none of them utilize moonkin form.


We got a Boomkin in our raid since forever from BWL to NAXX. Heā€™s pretty much BIS on every items.

The main problem on Boomkin is the mana pool. You get OOM quickly.

If the guild accept it, thereā€™s generally only one spot for it because it doesnā€™t perform well. You wonā€™t see Boomkin stacking like warriors or rogues.

In our case we donā€™t give a crap because if heā€™s having fun playing it, we are happy too.

The same rule applies for ret and shadow priest.


Iā€™ve checked our logs, rule of thumb our BIS Boomkin is doing around 50%-60% less dps than our top dps (rogue / warrior).


They exist. And you can play them if you want. They arenā€™t good in pve or pvp though, so most people opt to play something else.

Like 30 Balance 21 Resto for NS is far better than moonkin for pvp. Moonkin just isnā€™t a strong talent.

I saw a few in AV this weekend. Iā€™m guessing you are asking about playing a druid thatā€™s not a healer because resto is good. Iā€™ve never played a druid but from the outside looking in the bear tank looks the most fun to play to me. Iā€™ve had them tank Strat and UBRS runs seamlessly and they are hella hard to kill in pvp.

Poor boomkin. Theyā€™re BIS looks and dance though. Beautiful sexy chickens, never change, never give up


More work/thought should have been put into Moonkin and Tree of Life.
Specifically, Moonkin/ToL should not have been locked-out of Balance/Restoration spells. Instead, something like Restoration spells cost 50% more mana and are -50% effective in Moonkin, and Balance spells costr 50% more mana and do -50% damage in ToL form.

This would be more useful in PVP than PVE, but not being able to use Roots/Cyclone/Hibernate in ToL is kinda doofy. Likewise, Cure Poison/Abolish Poison/Remove Curse are locked-out in Moonkin form (IIRC).

A similar argument could be made for Shadowform, but I dont recall Shadow Priests having to deal with the same ā€˜clunkinessā€™ when using Cure Disease/Abolish Disease in Shadowform.

Nope. Wait until TBC. Boomkin is just wholly unviable in vanilla for anything other than dungeons.

Cure/abolish is a Holy spell, canā€™t use it in shadowform.


Their damage is pretty garbage, even with great gear and using a ton of consumes. Some guilds will bring 1 for the 3% crit from moonkin aura. Same way some guilds will bring 1 Spriest for shadow weaving. Your value is more or less based on the fact that you buff superior casters. However in most cases youā€™d be better off just bringing another mage or lock.

Well, thatā€™s something that should have been addressed, too.

Yeah, 3% extra crit on 4 casters is less DPS than just bringing another mage or warlock.

Boomkins are pretty much a ā€œgetting 40 peopleā€ class. Thereā€™s no reason to bring one over a mage/warlock/rogue/warrior/hunter.

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Oh agreed. The Spriest is the least bad meme spec. Shadow weaving is 15% shadow damage. So theoretically if you have 4 locks thats 60% of a locks damage. As long as the Spriest is doing over 40% the damage of a lock your coming out ahead over just bringing a 5th lock.

Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but 3% crit doesnā€™t increase every mages damage by 15%.


I still like the idea of gaining 3% extra spell crit.

But yeah, like most others point out it isnā€™t that strong of a class, nor is it that major of a buff.

But I will still say the same thing I will to you as I do anyone else who wants to play a ā€œmemeā€ spec.

This is a game. If you think youā€™d have the most fun playing that spec, then go ahead and play that spec.

Retail druids: jack of all trades, master of all trades

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Both bear and boomkin are very strong in World PVP, its actually kinda insane how powerful they are.

Bear is also good for Dungeons and Raids.

Boomkin is kinda Meme outside of PVP, although they are very strong in pug BGā€™s due to how bursty they can be coupled with their mobility.

And a lot of casual guilds bring meme specs for this reason. But, make no mistake, the meme specs are getting carried.

But if a person is okay with getting carried, and the raid is fine with it, then whatā€™s to criticize?

Me, personally, I would feel too guilty knowing that Iā€™m contributing half of what everyone else is contributing.

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I have a good friend that is a boomkin and does pretty good :slight_smile: