I actually had a boomkin “tank” a scholo run I healed. He strategically decided not to disclose his spec until we started the run lol. The run was… fun… haha.
So I can attest that boomkins do indeed exist.
I actually had a boomkin “tank” a scholo run I healed. He strategically decided not to disclose his spec until we started the run lol. The run was… fun… haha.
So I can attest that boomkins do indeed exist.
not in classic. If you care about TBC though that’s when they become relevant.
You play a Classic Moonkin only because you want to, not for anyone else’s reasons. Your decision also has consequences, including either slapping on the healer dress or not raiding.
So many haterz!
I’ve been raiding all of classic and the bi*ches love to get in on my 3% Crit
byeeee haterz
I mean that’s a good demonstration. He’s the 100 parse and he’s doing the damage of a 60 parse warrior or rogue or 90 parse mage/warlock.
Even the #1 parse isn’t performing above other classes. It’s fine w/e and fun for the mages in the raid, but its an inherently weaker spec.
Fankriss is also a short fight so you’re not going to OOM. Unlike many fights in naxx where you’ll run into issues while the warrior/rogue/mage/lock won’t have mana problems.
But if everyone parsing in the high 90s like this raid I doubt you’ll have probs in naxx anyway (boomkin might end up healing on saph though)
This is the big thing. Boomkins can do halfway decent damage, but only if everything goes right. It needs to be a short fight, they need to chug mana pots, use demonic runes, have all the potions, all the elixirs, a flask, and stack all the world buffs to be a middle of the pack dps.
Or you could be a mediocre mage/lock who just shows up and outperform the boomkin 9 times out of 10. The most important skill to have when playing a meme spec is social skill. Nobody brings a boomie because of their numbers, you deal with their numbers because you enjoy having them around, and get a bonus 3% crit for your mages. If you’re a jerk and play a meme spec GL finding a guild.
nobody wants boomkins sadly
The play is to find a guild with a warlock GM or raid leader who cares about his personal parses. Relegate yourself to being a 3% crit trinket.
It’s not much, but it’s honest work.
Contrapoint: bringing another mage/warlock is less dps than bringing another warrior.
If the mages/warlocks want to parse, bring a boomkin.
Contrapoint: You’re moving the goalposts to an extreme that nobody is going to use other than the top 0.1% of sweat-drenched tryhards.
Also by your logic, every raid DPS should be a warrior…yeah good luck getting through raids with no tranq shot, no decurse, no fear, no banish, etc.
Yeah the sweatlord meta is holy weaving, but spriest is the spec to let your weaver have some fun
I often see a boomkin or two in a raid. Don’t they provide buffs/brez?
Also I’m not sure what you mean when you say feral/bear is the only option for druid. I would argue resto is the most meta option of all – I’m guessing you decided that went without saying.
Boomkins in TBC are mid level dps with utility.
Most raids have room for 1 or 2 for the crit boost and the built in healing aura which helps smooth out damage and limit over healing.
Druid Moonkin spec in Vanilla/Classic is a side mini-game that tests your limits of enduring awful talent tree designs & horrendous gear itemization, while enjoying lower-tier DPS output. Have fun fighting with Mages & Warlocks on all those random DPS cloth pieces (& +hit gear).
Shadow Priest are in the same boat, more or less, but with a less-awful talent tree & less need for +hit gear (they have +10 talented), but no AQ20+ spell book DPS upgrades like everyone else has access to (even Boomkins). Plus, Mind Flay doesn’t crit, which is a huge kick in the sack.
Yes they do, but their damage is so bad you’d be better off bringing a fresh 60 mage instead. The damage gained by a 3% crit buff for 1 group is not enough to outweigh their poor output. If they were decent dps or if the buff was raid wide it would be a different story. Or like I said before, if they’re really cool and you just enjoy playing with them. You can still get pretty much all the buffs from healers, which are more useful than bottom tier damage. If the “meme specs” weren’t so unbelievable terrible in damage they’d be a lot more popular. But #nochanges am I right?
If your question is if they exist in classic, they most certainly do.
That’s about as much as I can comment on their presence in Classic/Vanilla.
I don’t see how this is different from some other utility the pure dps classes bring. Every raid could benefit from an innervate on a healer or a battle-rez on a tank. If you have no druid healers or ferals (and neither of these specs are necessary when you can bring a paladin or warrior/rogue) than I could see a boomkin adding a lot to a raid.
classic isn’t hard and people can play what they want. we’ve had a moonkin since day 1 and sure he’s lower than other dps, but it really doesn’t matter.