Are blood elves cool?

All roads lead to the Zandalari, I guess.


Dark Trolls. They were the first culprit in the line of magic abuse.

Yay! We have a super-positive forum poster! There can never be enough. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Blood Elves are very cool! And we now share our High Elf Heritage with Void Elves. One day there will be an Elvish Faction and the coolness will exude from us all! :sunglasses:

Not a comparison. :neutral_face:

Nightborne, have established lore, a full fledged story that anybody who plays through legion fully remembers, their own capital, their own aesthetic and culture.

The only thing they share with the Nelf’s are animations. And that’s solely due to Blizzard’s laziness IMHO.

Where as Lesser-:poop:-Off Brand Elves, only have Alleria which is established as a genuine Void Elf. Otherwise as I’m far as I’m concerned all the rest are just edgy Blood Elves, on the alliance. Cosplaying as High Elves which again, besides Alleria and maybe one or two others. Are far gone to my knowledge.

Which is why I say…

Blood Elf Males are cool, here’s me partying with some cute Blood Elf guys while setting a Draenei on fire :grin:


Blood Elves on the Horde are Agent(s) Smith. A day, soon, when all horde will be Sin’dorei.

Those don’t exist. They are just very muscular females

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Elves= bad and not in a good way

Unless it’s a dead one I’d say they’re actually warm/

Honestly, I don’t know what you mean by cool.

no… they are hot.

Wouldn’t have happened if they have given the Alliance the requested High Elves from the Silver Covenant in the first place. But no, they pushed a paper thin story out for a race which has no real backstory and just popped up to exist.

They are nowhere near as cool as goblins.


For Blizz to not bow to people like you. That would be a nice start. The customization you people got should’ve never happened.


Except it did.
Cry more about it. It’s not going to remove hair colours from the game.

That’s what these clowns are crying about. Hair colours.


Nah, just tired of these “High Elf” crowds, yall are some annoying asses.


if we could just delete void elves and get ethereals or turn void elves into venom i would be so happy

Don’t mind me, just enjoying my hair and skin colours on my void elf.


Just waiting to be able to change the colour on my tendies next. Shadowfel would look sick on my lock with the natural skin colours, and orange hair~

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I’d be fine with Blizz manning up and deleting the word Void and just putting High in place of it. They know they Fd up on it, and it’s caused nothing but the elf crowd to cry about it since BFA/Legion.

most punchable race