Are blood elves cool?

Yeah, definitely a NARC. >.>

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we have reached critical belf mass unfortunately and might go supernova. I suggest goblin or nightborne

No way im hip and cool

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The biggest problem with blood elves. The Horde thinks blood elves are so cool there’s more blood elves than anything else!

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no. they are not cool. they are humans with pointy ears.

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Blood elves still have a home


Blood Elves are cool in the Burning Crusade, not so cool anywhere else, bad choice.

Try Female Orc or Undead instead.

No doubt. Those hips don’t lie.


Of course the hips don’t lie on a Draenei.

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I am not a thirst trap.

I am a snuggle opportunity,

I recently leveled a horde mage to 60. I chose goblin for her race cause of the NY accent and I just didn’t want to pick something popular like BE. When I made this mage the only choices were human or gnome. There is more race and class diversity now.

There’s too many of them, but yes.

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When LotR copied WoW they should have left Elves out.

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Whats up with this sudden female orc appreciation? Nowdays i aways see that female orc is the go-to race for looks.

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its a 2d paper box. im not very jealous lmao.

They were until they just became pointy eared humans.

Your tree is gone

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That would work better on… Literally any character, in any circumstance, beyond an UNDEAD.

Short answer NO. They’ll steal your candies.

What exactly do you people want? A lot of the ideas put forth by the people who claim to want more void-themed options are just stupid or totally unrealistic to expect Blizzard to actually implement, like having tentacles instead of arms or whatever. Anyone who is that crazy about being void-themed is already playing a shadow priest and has access to a ton of void- and old god-themed transmog.

Void elves also don’t have blood elf customization options other than skin colors.