Are bgs server only?

Vanilla had cross realm BG’s. It was planned pretty early and took them some time to implement. It was around at least a year before BC, so idk what you’re talking about.

Rank 13 solo too! Just wish he would tell us which magical server had 10 min queues so one could solo rank to 13 on horde too. Quite a feat. Especially if he did it truly solo with no account sharing…



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My Vanilla server!!!

I remember begging for xserver BG’s, because the queues got so terrible. We weren’t disappointed with the result after either. Using battlegroups, we still got used to seeing a lot of the same faces.

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That would be a server for 10 min Horde queues. The faction imbalance is why xrbg’s were added. On the other side of that server the alliance probably had hour+ queues.

People still crying and trying to fight cross realm BGs? Give it up.

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Yeah, 'cause that’s going to maintain.

80% of the tourists will be gone in six weeks, tops.


The dev literally says that they’re going to have x-realm bgs.

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Yeah I found it on this site in the classic FAQ. :disappointed_relieved:

For people who PvP in Vanilla on factionally unbalanced servers, the drums of war patch was a God send.

I was Alliance on Proudmoore and we had insanely long queues some days. Horde would get in within a couple mins and we’d be stuck 20+mins waiting.

I’m thankful it’s not going to be single server BGs since there’s already a lot of faction imbalance on individual servers.