Are bgs server only?

My BG ques were like 10 minutes in vanilla.

They are like 15 minutes right now in retail, with xrealm bgs.

You gonna try and convince me that servers which you have to wait 8 hours to log into wont have enough people to fill a bg? Please, get a better argument.

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I disagree. Xrealm is the absolute worst thing.

depends on the population of the realm, to be fair, and faction imbalance

I find it very surprising that you didn’t experience the several hour BG queues in Vanilla. The player base demanded it due to the long queues. They didn’t just put it into the game for no reason, lol. BG queues don’t take a long time due to lack of players. They take a long time when there is a lopsided horde:alliance ratio.


If I remember correctly, cross realm won’t happen until it’s necessary. So phase 6 maybe?

I find it surprising that you did experience several hour bg ques.

I did rank 13 grind in vanilla solo and never had any issues.

Everyone who did the rank grind is on the same page, we don’t like xrealm bg. When you play bgs all day every day for months and you see the same people on the enemy team and your team it builds a bond like nothing else.

As an example, I was horde in vanilla. I rolled classic with the same people who were alliance in vanilla that I fought against. That’s the type of bonding that happens.

Xrealm bgs… no love. Just random warlock #456 u see today. Random rogue#2145255 youll never see again.

Calling BS on that.

I did the rank 10 grind, on two different characters, and there were plenty of times when queues were very slow. Claiming you never had any issues? Yeah, not buying that for even a second.

The main consideration for cross realm BG’s now is to deal with faction imbalances, and I’m fine with it. They existed in 1.12, and I’ve long since made peace with the fact that we are getting them.

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What server was this?


Well, since they are going of 1.12, there will be battlegroups, where people from several realms will play the same BG.

If you want to join as a group though, you will need an addon.

Feel free to watch a vanilla PVP video of me, though I don’t really care if you think it’s bs that someone had a different experience than you. World doesn’t revolve around you, after all.

https :// com/watch?v=QDDpNmPvXdw

I cannot remember a single name of all the hordes of peoples I have slain in xrealm bgs, but here’s an example…

I saw one guy with a specific name in najzatar while questing that I haven’t seen since Vanilla. I remembered his name, because I fought against him every day for a long, long time. I talked to him and confirmed it was, in fact, a long lost rival and now he is joining us on our classic adventure.

I see a lot of random people. I see a lot of thousands of people over the years, and not one of them do I remember. Not one. And as soon as I see one name of someone I did bg’s with in vanilla BEFORE xrealm, after a decade, I instantly remember them.

If that doesn’t show you how powerful the community was that resulted from same-sever bg’s and how it was devestated by xrealm bgs, nothing will.

The only way no battlegroups would work is if they actively monitored and maintained faction balance. DAOC tried to do what you are suggesting and it was a miserable failure.

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  1. BG’s weren’t a failure before xrealm.
  2. DAOC was a failure. That’s why it’s no longer around? WoW is still here… so i’d wager that we shouldn’t base whether or not something works on the implementation of that something by failures.

You think maybe blizzard learned from them and didnt try and mimic them? Faction imbalance creates a ton of issues with pvp. Battlegroups was a great way to mitigate that.


What am I watching? Every BG you’ve ever queued in vanilla?

Believe me, I know the power of the community prior to cross-realm battlegrounds, I was there. I remember the fights with well known players, I remember congratulating and cheering on players going for rank 14. I remember when some of these players got upgrades and the fighting became more desperate between us. I know all that.

Just don’t tell me you got to rank 13 without ever once experiencing any lengthy queues, that’s just a poor deflection on your part.

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This is just selective memory, plain and simple.

How do you know your memory isn’t selective?

Again, as I have outlined… today I am playing with people I met due to the BG system before xrealm, 10 years later. Not anyone I met in xrealm bgs. Not anyone I met in random dungeon finder. People I met in same-server BGs.

You’re right. They put crossrealm BGs in the game for no reason. How could I be so naive? /s

They were cross realm with the battlegroups.

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Because the fact that you dont remember the forum rage is proof you either dont remember or are purposely omitting it.

Okay, let’s analyze the inherent irony of this statement… assuming blizzard never puts anything into the game that wasn’t a bad idea… while we are playing a classic version of the game because we largely agree that stuff they put into the game was a bad idea.

Yeah, okay? We done?