Are bgs server only?

Like you only play with people from your server or are bgs across all realms?

Thank you in advanced :slight_smile:

No, they will be cross server.


We don’t even have bg’s yet.

Thats dumb they should keep it Classic or have a only que with people from your server option

cross realm was added in classic


lul wut mate

literally, 1.12 was the cross-realm pvp patch “The Drums of War”


dude… ur a troll stop it lmfao

I hope not, cross server BGs ruined server community. Do you have a Blizzard link to that?


Look it up. He’s right. Xrbg’s were added in Vanilla.

I can kind of understand wanting cross realm when the server pop is only 3k, but I don’t see it being necessary with how high population caps are for classic

Yeah those drums start sounding ain’t no elves on Horde hah

But I have a feeling that the one-sided WSG’s may not happen so often

I can’t wait to be feared for minutes at a time and then stun locked YES

Crossrealm bgs were added in Vanilla. They were called Battlegroups. Realms were grouped together and would queue with only the realms in their battlegroup.


For as long as I remember BG’s have been based on battlegroup not server - and I’ve played since the tail end of vanilla.

and it was the absolute worst thing ever.

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Ah crap I found it in the FAQ. That’s disappointing.

To some maybe. But it was either that or sit in queue for 2 hours for WSG.


you’d rather have titanforging than cross-realm bgs?

Uh… I’d rather have neither? Why are you picking two completely unrelated things and asking a stupid question?


you said it was the “absolute worst thing ever”, there’s plenty of systems in wow that are worse than that