Are Arathi good because they're racist zealot HUMAN villains, or bad because humans get more spotlight?

They literally are.

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They are. Though Faerin says they just call themselves Arathi.

But yeah, from a lore standpoint, they’re half elves.

They literally are not. They are human with distant elf ancestry. They are not half elf.

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They’re not humans. They’re half elves. Literally their lore. They’re not humans or elves, they’re a mixture of the two.

Aka, half elves. More to how they like to call themselves, just Arathi. Neither elf nor human.

They are not half elf though. They are mostly human, both physically and culturally, with distant elf influence.

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No, they’re half elves with their own culture. A mixture of elf kingdom and humans.

Physically they’re half elves. Culturally it is also a mixture of high born elves and humans.

The only elf feature they have physically is the points on their ears and the only elf feature they have culturally is the cats.

It’s like 90% human, 10% elf. Not half-elf.

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Yes, because elves aren’t with the light and arcane, nor with royal blood (emperor) or noble houses. That totally doesn’t sound like high born elf culture…no wait…it does.

Also half elves having elven and human feature? You don’t say. Almost like…they’re half elves.

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The Light was not a significant part of high elf culture and arcane is barely present in the Arathi. High elves did not have an emperor or an empire or imperial ambitions.

They are not half elf. They are 90% human.

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? Yes it was. The whole point of the humans and elves joining together all those thousands of years ago was to share knowledge and help each other with the trolls. Humans learned arcane and the humans taught them the light.

Also the sacred flame is both light and arcane and you listen to the NPCs in hallowfall talking to the blood elves, you see the Arathi say that the blood elves culture and how they use the light is vastly more like the blood elves than the humans.

No crap the elves don’t have an emperor, neither do the humans. That is their own cultural thing from both their culture coming together. It’s a half elf thing they made.

Also they’re 100% half elves. You can plug your ears about it, that doesn’t change the fact of it all.

The only reference I can find about Arathi racial composition is that it’s mixed between human and elf.

Are they half-elf? Quarter-elf? One-sixty fourth elf? Who knows.

But everything about their architecture and culture matches up pretty well with humans. Not so much any elves we see.

So it really doesn’t matter. Culturally they are very human-presenting.


I suppose if we ignore that dialogue from the Hallowfall NPCs literally tells us they’re half elves but they prefer to call themselves Arathi

What are you smoking? The humans absolutely did have an empire, that’s where the Arathi originated from.

They are humans with pointy ears.

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The first king? That “emperor” because he hardly was an emperor and more of a king, first king of humans.

But no, they’re half elves. Keep wishing they weren’t to fit your own angry ideas of whatever.

Time to block you.

Ah yes, the Empire of Arathor was not an empire.

Go ahead and block me, it won’t make you less wrong.

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I cannot find anyone saying half-elf. I do have Lerrenai Fayn saying in gossip text they are descended from elves and humans, but she certainly never says half. She’s the one with the line “I am not an elf (name). I am Arathi.”

Anyone got where the term “half-elf” is actually used?


I’ll wager if you asked anyone who played the zone without paying attention to the story what race the Arathi were, they would answer humans 99.99% of the time.


Then I would say they were blind considering the pointy ears(which is the only true physical difference between humans and elves) are unmissable.

Unless the character has a helm or long hair. Then they are easily overlooked. It’s not like they are long elf ears.

I do not often go around noticing the ears of npcs unless they are long and stick out of their helm in very awkward ways.


One of the main character for the Arathi, Faerin Lothar, neither has long hair nor helm. And the ears quite noticeable especially if you decide to even look at her abit.