Are Arathi good because they're racist zealot HUMAN villains, or bad because humans get more spotlight?

I’m seeing a lot of people ask for less humans in the story but also inversely want more humans with thoroughly human aesthetics to be evil.

So, would you rather Humans maintain their pristine moral goodness and don’t appear in the story at all. OR humans can be shown to be evil with a group of humany light wielding facist humans who act evil with no redeemable traits or justifiable reasons backing their actions up but still get to appear in the story and recieve the spotlight to some extent? Which do you think is better for the story of WoW?


Bad because humans absolutely did not need more spotlight.


This is disingenuous. People want The Alliance to get their hands dirty again so the Faction divide has buy-in on both sides instead of clear Good Guys and Bad Guys. The Arathi are not the Alliance.


Ok so, here is the thing about the Arathi and why somany peoples love them;

The thing is, the Arathi are the worse thing about this expac in term of lore, lets be honest, but i rarely saw a more bs explaination to how a group of people would magically be in this place and the explaination on how they are stcuck is even more ridiculous :

1 - Their emperor got a vision (first time we hear about a group of human that named arathi that live in another place than EK but ok lets buy that, he get vision they go to that vision place and they get TELEPORTED by magic in that underground place…miles away from their home.

2 - They cant go back because, omg how convinient for the writers, they had ONE mage alive and that one and only mage was not capable of doing a portal…(things get harder to take seriously dont they?)

3 - They are here since around 15-20y…do you imagine that? Like, do you imagine that the place they live, all they built, all of this was made in 15y?! I dont, even if you tell me the Earthen helped them, no way its been that recently.

4 - They stopped having contact with the Earthen…for no reasons?

5 - The bing problem i have with them, is that they are sold to be half humans and half elves…but this is barely a thing in their culture, the only thing is that they have lynx the rest, be it armor, musics, building, even their names everything is human…the elven part of them is not even relevent as they seem to live as long as humans do.

Now, why do people like them so much? Simple, the same reason why people love the freaking t2 paladin set…because “its badass zaelous warhammer spacemarin” and i will tell you something, to you all who love that cursed set…its NOT WARCRAFT!!! Its a warhammer set that was pout into warcraft.

And for some reasons, a lot of people loooove racist zaelous humans (its what the empire is in warhammer 40k in case you ask) look at all the people loving to rp as the scarlet crusade, well here you sell them a good scarlet crusade faction!!! With humans all dressed up like that warhammer tier2 paladin set, with a freaking EMPEROR OF HUMANITY!!!

Thats why people love them so hard, even thought they are so inconsistent!


They’re half elves in the same way Italian Americans are Italians. They have some distant ancestry that can trace back to the elves, but culturally they have nothing in common with their ancestors.


It’s the first time we hear of it because they are in the Storming Seas, a place so treacherous that barely even dragons fly over it. And yes, such magical shenanigans happen all the time, including visions.

Almost as though that wasn’t by chance, is it?

Stromgarde was rebuilt in 1 year, all of the Kingdom of Stormwind in less than 10. Teldrassil with all of its cities was built in a few years, Theramore in 1, Orgrimmar in a similar timeframe. It’s hardly an issue.

The reason why is explicitly given? Beledar started shifting and with it came many creatures like the Karbyss, making the journey so difficult that none who tried to venture to the Earthen returned.

There’s plenty of elven things amongst their culture. Their culture, ultimately, is neither human nor elven but simply Arathi.

They’re also not racist.


People cry for years that WoW just rehashes lore infinitely. They finally write a new major faction with the Arathi… and then people cry that they “came out of nowhere” even when they’re coming from an area we’ve never seen before.

WoW fans just don’t know what they want. I for one and glad to see a new, probably morally grey, faction show up.

That being said, I do think something needs to trigger faction animosity again. Factions being so friendly is absolutely cringe.


I haven’t seen people complaining about the Nerubians or Earthen in TWW coming out of nowhere even though they are completely new lore.

The problem with the Arathi is they are yet more humans in a setting that is already drowning in humans.


You don’t look very hard then. People especially complained about the Nerubians randomly having an entire empire in the southern part of the world when the entire point is that them moving north from the war against the trolls is what mutated them into Nerubians to begin with. I’ve even seen at least one person compare them to centaurs from DF with blizzard going “Actually these are the REAL version of this race, the ones you saw before weren’t.”

And Earthen are kind of a wet noodle outside of a small handful of interesting characters.

And complaining about the number of humans in the setting is pretty hilarious considering they’re objectively outnumbered by Trolls and Elves. Most of the human kingdoms are as of now either defunct, not wholly human, or operate as outposts for stormwind.

Dalaran? Barely human considering how multiracial it was, and is also now destroyed.
Alterac? Deader than Dead.
Lordearon? Undeader than undead.
Gilneas? At least half werewolf.
Theramore? A smoking ruin.
Stromgarde? Literally a Stormwind outpost now.
So that leaves KT and Stormwind. Wow, so much human.

Compare that to the elves and trolls. In fact, the Arathi are half elf, so they also count as much towards the elf count as they do humans.

Also, the nerubians and Earthen are not at all new lore. They’re literally the same background and lore as the existing nerubian and earthen, they’re just in a new area.


Population numbers mean literally nothing in WoW. Blizzard will have there been however many of whatever race they want there to be for whatever story they are telling.

What I mean by the setting drowning in humans is humans are VASTLY overrepresented in the story and we did not need an entire new nation of humans shoved in out of nowhere.


They aren’t overrepresented in the story at all. You literally can’t overrepresent humans in any story. You know why? Because humans write and consume said story. Absolutely nonsense. Humans are always going to be the default PoV for any work that has them. Complaining about it is just sad cope.

This is also why Orcs are fundementally the most human non-human race in Warcraft lore. Because they’re the stand-in human PoV race on the horde side. Which is why they’re also the most featured Horde race.
It’s like watching Star Trek or Starwars and complaining about how many human characters there are. Or LotR.


Awful take.


If its so awful, you’d be able to conjure an argument against it. Fact is, you know I’m right and can’t say anything to disprove or mitigate my point.

Keep seething at the obvious truth. Sorry it took this long for somebody to spell it out for you.


Since you insist on this stupid argument.

First of all, Star Wars and Star Trek are largely limited by costume budgets and since humans need a lot less work for costumes so they are present more.

Secondly, LotR is mostly about hobbits, which are not humans. The Hobbit, also mostly about dwarves and hobbits, not humans. Not that humans weren’t in those stories, by they weren’t the main characters or focus.

As for the “humans write the story” nonsense, if they can’t write races other than generic white European humans then they are bad writers.

“Humans consume the story!” Yeah, and only around 12% of the player base even plays humans. 88% of the players like and play other races, they aren’t limited to generic white Europeans as their only source of fun in a game.

Orcs have not been the primary Horde race for ages now. The Horde story is far more racially diverse than the Alliance story. And on top of that, the Horde story is also suffering from the prominence of humans in the storyline. Horde being the faction the majority of players are playing at that.

So like I said, awful take.


This was the case for the original series, yet even as costuming aliens became more practical, humans remained the core of the federation and the main characters of literally every series and movie.

Hobbits are humans in LOTR. Unlike the Elves and Dwarves who are seperate races, Hobbits are explicitly said to be a kindred of humanity by Tolkein. So yes, while The Hobbit follows a group of Dwarves, Bilbo is the main character and the Human PoV. Frodo is, of course, the main character of about half of the LotR. Aragorn is the deutoragonist and the Main Character of the half of the series that doesn’t follow Frodo.

Oh, so you dislike humans because you equate them with Europeans. So you’re just racist. Lmfao. I’m legit not wasting any more time on your nonsense. Crawl back to twitter and get your backpats from the other losers.


That’s not what I said, but ok. I shouldn’t expect reading comprehension from someone with such awful takes anyway.


You don’t have to say it outright for it to obviously be how you feel. The insecurity oozes off of your posts in waves.
Which is pretty ironic in light of the Arathi’s main character not even being white.


Uh… I don’t think the Arathi are racist?

They don’t care for certain powers, sure, but unless I’m mistaken I don’t think they have anything to say to troll players, for example, which you think they would given the origins of the Empire.

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People conflate them with the Scarlets because their primary color scheme is red and white and they worship the light. I do think the Arathi are going to be antagonists at one point, but it’ll be because they’re imperialistic light zealots, not because they’re racist.

In fact, they seem to originate from long term mass intermarrying between Elves and Humans. Kind of the opposite of racist.


Hallowfall was easily the high point of leveling this expansion. Maybe the Empire back home is racist? I know there was a line or two about circumstances in Hallowfall leaving the Arathi more open minded than they might otherwise be, but I’m not sure you can hang that on racism.