Ok so, here is the thing about the Arathi and why somany peoples love them;
The thing is, the Arathi are the worse thing about this expac in term of lore, lets be honest, but i rarely saw a more bs explaination to how a group of people would magically be in this place and the explaination on how they are stcuck is even more ridiculous :
1 - Their emperor got a vision (first time we hear about a group of human that named arathi that live in another place than EK but ok lets buy that, he get vision they go to that vision place and they get TELEPORTED by magic in that underground place…miles away from their home.
2 - They cant go back because, omg how convinient for the writers, they had ONE mage alive and that one and only mage was not capable of doing a portal…(things get harder to take seriously dont they?)
3 - They are here since around 15-20y…do you imagine that? Like, do you imagine that the place they live, all they built, all of this was made in 15y?! I dont, even if you tell me the Earthen helped them, no way its been that recently.
4 - They stopped having contact with the Earthen…for no reasons?
5 - The bing problem i have with them, is that they are sold to be half humans and half elves…but this is barely a thing in their culture, the only thing is that they have lynx the rest, be it armor, musics, building, even their names everything is human…the elven part of them is not even relevent as they seem to live as long as humans do.
Now, why do people like them so much? Simple, the same reason why people love the freaking t2 paladin set…because “its badass zaelous warhammer spacemarin” and i will tell you something, to you all who love that cursed set…its NOT WARCRAFT!!! Its a warhammer set that was pout into warcraft.
And for some reasons, a lot of people loooove racist zaelous humans (its what the empire is in warhammer 40k in case you ask) look at all the people loving to rp as the scarlet crusade, well here you sell them a good scarlet crusade faction!!! With humans all dressed up like that warhammer tier2 paladin set, with a freaking EMPEROR OF HUMANITY!!!
Thats why people love them so hard, even thought they are so inconsistent!