Are Arathi good because they're racist zealot HUMAN villains, or bad because humans get more spotlight?

yeah because making almost every central character a human worked so well for voyager and enterprise :^)

The characters being human have nothing to do with the series being poorly written. Good strawman though. Everyone but Spock was human on TOS, TNG only had Data and Worf as non-humans in the main cast. It’s really only DS9 that had a bunch of non-humans among the main cast.

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I see that reveal as more of a foreshadowing of potentially merging the Blood Elves and Nightborne cos of being able to duplicate the Sunwell in Suramar once Silvermoon goes Void-kaput in Midnight.

The only “Human” among the Prodigy crew was Hologram Janeway. Until Captain Chakotay was rescued.

If blizz had any balls in the next expansion they’d have the scarlet crusade become a neutral faction that we earn rep with while cleansing Lordaeron, and diving into why xenophobia and hostility to outsiders is a normal reaction to world ending plagues and calamity. Vindicate the scarlet crusade!


That would certainly be different and has potential. If we can forgive Man’ari Eredar, Sylvanas and Death Knights, the Scarlets aren’t beyond redemption either. My only concern is Blizzard is too much into using them as punching bags to give them character development or treat them like anything else.

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I think if they had balls they’d try to reconcile the fact they got changed to have always been turbo racist with the fact it’s neither part of the doctrine of the holy light to be racist nor properly represented given they have statues including elves and a dwarf lol.

Not even about not making them zealot villains mind you, it just literally comes from nowhere to make them look worse lmao and trying to reconcile the fact other parts of their lore don’t work with it would be more fun than just leaving them generic “just a racist crusader because” lol. Blizz felt the need to randomly explain Garithos hated elves because his land got destroyed by the horde when they were pushing up towards Quel’thalas, at least explain it here given the light isn’t really a racially exclusive religion.


There was probably a decent story to be told for a Scarlet redemption arc, but that ship sailed long ago … to Northrend, where they doubled down on the nefarious stuff after their leader was exposed as a Dreadlord and put down.

“Oh no, our boss was a demon! So, anyway, back to being Lordaeron’s premier jobbers.”


They are neither racist nor human. They’re half elves.
Only the guys at the chapel are zealotic.

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I like spider-zone because I’m obsess with Drow. Evil elves are fun.


Spider zone is the best zone… that place is a nice warm dark room and a comfy blanket to me.

Hallowfall was my least favorite zone, during the day, and my second favorite zone during the night cycle.

Interesting consideration from the lore of the baby Deep One… The conflict with the Arathi is because they are spreading the light, and that is detrimental to the Deep Ones and their allies.


While I like the Nerubians, considering what the Deep Ones and their allies are like, I think them being pushed back is a good thing.

Yet everyone call them Arathi humans even the devs in their presentations, and also they have a ton of human culture.

I dont want to play “make beleive”

The story is complete about them thought.

Well, i have a better example for you then : Dalaran, it was destrouyed in war3 and came back only in wotk after more time than arathi took to come here lmao. which is more realistic.

You still refuse to get the difference between rebuilding sopmething and building something from scratch.

To make trade? I mean, why do you need money in wow for lol? And by the way, in war3 what are the ressources you need? Gold and Lumber.

Did you see the size of what they built?

Lol, no, they did not follow the Holy Light, not like the humans. They had the Sun cult with the Sunwell.

So dont go and say it sound elvish if they also sound humans.

Thing is, its how the Empire think, not the expedition.

Just you wait.

Lol, says who?

They were not members of the Church you making stuff up here! And also, you just again try to say “its here!” but its not here. And even if the high elves were part of the Church, who founded it? The humans, so its a human cultural thing, nothing to do with elves here.

Again, you confuseing 2 things : The Empire and the Expedition, and i am telling you that, even thought the Empire is introduced well, the Expedition is not.

Or perhaps if i put my head in the sand i wont see any mistakes…i mean dude, did you read yourself?

There is no pushing hard how humanity is great in the army of the Light, its the point i am making, the idea is about HUMANITY which is what people love in the Imperium to be honest, they dont care this much about the space thing, the idea of the Empire of Humanity which is very racisit is the thing they like. And its what the Scarlet Crsuade is.

Dont change that it is lazy plot point.

Its not to me, and well, it was bad in MoP.

Well, that dont change that they do the job poorly on showing the elven side of them

Man, BFA was so good.

It would be really neat if Life took issue with this.

Like I would be compelled by a narrative where life was like “What the hell? Things are supposed to die when they are damaged like that, and their bodies are supposed so become the grass and the antelope eat the grass and the lions eat the antelope… What the heck, light? And now you are making undead? This is like dealing with the Shadowlands all over again…”

Also, I would be very interested to find that life and chaos are veeeeery cozy.


They are humans with distant elf ancestry. The only thing elf about them is the point on their ears and the cats.

SO not human, half elves.

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No, more like 1/32 elves.

No, more like half elves.

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They are not half elf.