Are any other women tired of this?

Yeah, the evangelicals are busy complaining that items priced 666G are proof the game belongs to Satan.

This is the first time I’m hearing a female char want clothes / armor that actually cover them up.

Thread :slight_smile:

The game is severely lacking in that area compared to FFXIV, GW2 and a bit of ESO. If Wild Star was alive they had some skimpy gear too.

I miss those threads :frowning:
Sexy mogs = better Crossplay costumes :slight_smile:

Excuse me? That’s just conspiracy hat talk. The devs loudly proclaim it in dev tweets. They don’t feel the need to hide behind level 23 alts making passive aggressive threads in GD.

Op,honestly I do like looking at woman legs (being so,hm and all) but I do understand your point. I just really can’t say much. :zipper_mouth_face:

Skimpy =/= sexy.

The two can be connected, but more skin doesn’t automatically mean sexier. The utterly ancient panty armor OP is complaining about for instance is more tacky than sexy.

You’d be amazed how many females play male characters. Tauren males tends to be their top favorite follow by male blood elves, male Draenei in 3rd, Worgen and Vulpera competing for forth.

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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We HAD cool body chains in the alpha of shadowlands then poof they were gone.


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You have no idea what a skirt is do you lol.

agree, but if you complain about one you will complain about the other.
I love my sexy sprite darter Mog personally (and btw I’m very much a straight male) and the sexiest crossplay I have (in my opinion) is my head to toe venomized spider gwen.

It’s an alternative to pants that has one singular tube for both legs instead of one each.

Typically it’s much wider than the actual space needed for the legs to allow movement.

That moment when a female posts to the forums complaining that they’re seeing a lack of conservative, adventuring gear for their toon and gets slandered by people.

Not every female in the world wants to dress like Snooki; this is a fantasy game where girls have every bit as much right as men to feel like they’re a tough warrior, or powerful wizard without dressing like they’re one of the Lich King’s concubines.


I take it you would never bring your children to a pool or to the beach.

I’m a chick and I think we need more skimpy armor. I love the panties / garter leg armors.

Which is why there is transmog options to fill both sets of players.
Before transmog was a thing this thread would have a point, now that transmog is a thing it’s redundant.


I’m a woman and I like them, there are lots of armor options out there, you can tmog into other things. Also the bikini armor sells for a lot of gold, so you either spent a lot of time farming it or a lot of gold on it.

I want them to release a full body suit like what D’Va wears in Overwatch but WoW themed :slight_smile: fills all slots with one piece of armor (cosmetic only)

Skin tight and covering everything :slight_smile:

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Compound 2P.