Are all servers crashing at once ... possible

Jailer warned us.


Poor Putin is blamed for everything lol

anyone seen freeguy? did someone just go full antwon on the basement servers … xpac maybe not orginal work lol


Hamster on strike!


A world divided will not survive what is to come… You hear that Putin??

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customer’s support response

Overwatch is offline too. What is happening? :scream:

Here’s a funny story from a few years ago.

Walmart had this thing where you could create an account, scan the barcodes of your purchases, and you’d get money back into that account you could use in the future.

One day I noticed all of my savings disappeared(around 2016-17). So I called customer support and the girl told me that this happened to a lot of people and that Russia was to blame. “Russian hackers.” Told me the money would be back eventually but of course never happened.

Walmart took those “savings” back and just blamed Putin.

I read this as Darth Putin. I pictured his angry face using the force to shutdown the servers. Thank you for this.


Russians, lol

Alright, which one of you delete LFR/M+ ruined wow A-holes did this?

raises hand

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they can’t make me go outside :hot_face:


Reminds me when Subway stole a 1,000 points from me back in 2015 when they changed their system

:white_square_button: :blue_square: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

Thaaaaaaanks, Obama!

I mean, Vlad…

He’s over there —>

Well, time to play GrindQuest Censored (WoW idle) lol

This just in,
Putin is jamming Blizzard HQ in response to him not getting anything but repeat loot from the vault.
It will continue until he has full BIS in his mailbox!!!

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How much money was that?