Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

I don’t believe that Blizzard caters only the world first crowd. Like you said, there aren’t enough of them to keep the game going. I don’t think the problem is that Blizzard doesn’t listen to the gear complaints from solo players…it’s that they did listen. Now the gear is largely meaningless as there’s so much of it.

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And I think it is just as likely they listened to the minority on the other end. To me there are 2 groups that Blizzard needs to mostly ignore:

  1. the elitists that think anyone who plays solo deserves nothing or don’t want a challenge
  2. the ones that want everything handed to them for a pittance of work and are unwilling to do what it takes to get things.

In essence, I am one that would love to see the world matter again, to have solo players out in the world even if it is just gathering mats for their guild or helping their server progress on something (AQ war effort, IoT assault, etc). It does not have to be my, just make it feel like we are aiding or working towards something.


I don’t think they’ve listening to the people that think world content awards too much. The sheer amount of gear that’s thrown at you when hit 60 is incredible. They just need to streamline the progression a bit better. Getting gear that’s better than some of the raid tiers was a mistake, even though I understand that raid gear is still better.

Someone else had mentioned it, but now those world quest players outgear the progression that they need to do in order to be successful. No key below a 7 would be helpful and no raid before heroic would be worth the time. I just don’t think you’re doing those players any favors.

Did I say anything about gear in that post? no, I was just after activities that solo players could do and feel like they still mattered.

I don’t recall IoT progression rewarding gear, unless it was tied to unlocked areas/mobs/rep and I doubt the solo gatherers for raid guilds in Vanilla, TBC, Wrath really got that much gear unless they got in on a farming run.

Gear is indeed part of the issue, but it might be one that can be ignored, mostly, if the content was fun, engaging, and had a sense of progression.

You said Blizzard was just as likely listening to the other minority…which is demonstrably false based on all the gear that’s out there.

Then let me clarify something, the ones I think Blizzard listened to, minority wise, are the ones that wanted everything handed to them, I might have said “other side” because you also mentioned they likely don’t listen to the world first crowd.

Sorry for the mix up.

All good. I just can’t help but feel that the game was its best when they didn’t have all this gear. Professions could craft decent stuff, you could farm and buy BiS boe’s, and some of the rep gear was decent for a little while.

They also had content that was fun and engaging, so even if it was a grind it did not really feel as such.

Truthfully, I’d just be happy, gear wise, with another set-up like Horriffic visions or if Torghast dropped gear. Keep Korthia as catch-up and prep for such but keep the ilvl low enough only raid tier that is outdone is LFR.

Speaking as a casual player, I could be wrong but 9.2 seems to have a lot more casual content than past ends of expansions. I mean there’s an entire mechanic where you are unlocking a language and learning to create your own pets and mounts.

I get it, the casual community has always suffered from “trickle down” development. This is partially due to casual players being largely self-directed, so Blizzard doesn’t need to guide us by the nose, whereas the competitive/hardcore crowd tends toward sitting around like baby birds waiting to be fed. But maybe it’s just me being old and remembering back to Vanilla where even hardcore raiders thought of things to do in those last months before TBC dropped – and Blizzard literally had nothing but what they already put into the game to keep players’ interest.

I have said this since Vanilla: the player gets out of WoW what they put into it. If you keep an open mind, you can remain engaged in WoW no matter what part of the expansion’s cycle you are in. But it’s not on Blizzard to spoon feed all their content. The player needs to make the good faith gesture to try something new, and maybe not listen to the over-signal boosted minority that only wants what limited gameplay they are interested in and nothing else.

There is plenty for a casual solo player to do, as a casual solo player that has nothing to do with current dungeons, raids or pvp.

Now off to get alt#10 to 60 and queue up alt 11 for Ardenweald and 12 for Maldraxxus - hopefully before the patch drops Tuesday so I can start feeding alts into ZM after I have my druid properly ensconced.

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Thank you for the replies, everyone.

Confidence I don’t have. Ran into too many of those jerks that have shot me down. Haven’t had much luck with guilds either. I’d love for someone to invite me to one of those awesome guilds that will help you and teach you people in here are bragging about, but the guilds I end up in are largely indifferent and self-serving.

I’ve spent time and time again reading icy veins guides, following them to the best of my ability, but I still make mistakes especially in the heat of battle. Logged plenty of hours at training dummies too. Keeping up with trying to log, sim, maintain addons, learn how to weak auras (never could pull it off) is just too much.

What hope is there?

I would gladly shut up and stay in my own lane, and stay out of everyone’s way, if there was a worthwhile game to pursue on my own.

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Try practicing in the proving grounds. Are you trying to heal or damage?

Damage, I main a marksmanship hunter. Badly, but that’s what I am.

Oh. I suggest reading your rotation. And practicing on a target dummy for like 10 minutes a day. If you are pulling close to what sims say you can do that’s decent enough.

I haven’t really tried mm this expansion but it doesn’t seem all that hard, depending on the content you want to do. There are single target builds and multitarget builds for like mythic plus. So idk what you want to do or how you want to play.

Then you have torgast you can try practicing until you do consistent flawless runs in there.

If you are going to main a hunter I suggest you learn a misdirection macro.

/focus [help]
/stopmacro [help]
/cast [@focus,exists] Misdirection;[@pet,exists] Misdirection

This should make md good for groups. Please note. MD is best to help your tank get starting aggro or help get aggro off like a healer or dps. Do not use it to pull for the tanks. They will get angry!

I don’t know what my sims say, or what my logs are. I’ve given up on trying to do any of that.

I think one time I did create a successful log in an LFR that I tried to post on the mage discord (I was a mage main at the time) that just got a reply that said “lrn2play”. Very helpful!

Even if someone pointed out what mistakes I was making though, I still feel like I’m going to fumble with it every so often. I get anxious easily and I have fat fingers. I do press the wrong buttons at times. I just wish I had the freedom to make mistakes in this game.

I like MM hunter, I like being a stealthy archer-assassin, and it’s hard to get that same feeling in other games. I like the transmog I created with him. But I’ve also tried other classes in the past and none of them really stick out to me as something I can naturally be talented with. I’m just a bad player any way you put it, and more and more I feel like bad players like me aren’t allowed to have a place in this game.

I’ve already got two, one for mouseover on players and one for my pet (that also casts Barrage) when I switch to BM every so often for soloing. I don’t really have the confidence to ask tanks whether they want me to MD to them though so I only really use the latter.

Sims basically show you how much dps you can potentially do if you play the best and use your abilities and cooldowns in the most ideal ways.

This does not always match reality it almost never will. It is a tool to show you the potential damage you can do.

The sims themselves don’t account for mechanics and stuff like that.

I must ask if you are not comfortable doing your rotation or fumble around it then focusbon improving that.

You may want to work on your keybinding if you are always misclicking abilities.

I tend to put stuff like bloodlust on my side bars and don’t keybind them sometimes if I am worried about doing that for example and waste a group cooldown. Sometimes I will manually click them. Or have other consumables I manually click like health stones or potions.

It depends also if you use the base ui or modify it with addons.

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Yup I know, I just have a hard time figuring out how to do the gear combinations and such. I really just wish we could throw on our highest ilvl stuff and call it a day.

Been playing this game since vanilla, and I still misclick my buttons every so often. I don’t think it’s ever going to get better than that. As I said I get nervous easily and sometimes I fat-finger buttons. It happens.

Yeah I did that with time warp on my mage. I was terrified at clicking it by accident so it was the one button I had unbound. I do have a decent amount of keybindings. Not a lot, and I did curse the “unpruning” that happened with SL as I couldn’t find any more room for all those returning abilities, but I do have a few.

Kind of funny there. I only really use a couple addons. Dominos, details, DBM and Rematch. My hotbuttons are set up in a way that’s comfortable for me but anytime I post my UI I’m looked at like some horrific monster. Tried things like ElvUI, could never get comfortable with them.

I’ll second this. Fumbling rotations even after hours of practice usually comes down to either a keybinds or a UI issue. If your keybinds are laid out in such a way that common sequences are awkward to press or your fingers have to do too much reaching and travelling, then you increase the odds you’ll make a mistake dramatically. On the UI side, if your eyeballs have to bounce too many places to keep track of too many things you’ll overwhelm yourself quickly and then mistakes arise from that.

If you haven’t already, I would suggest taking a few hours to work on your keybinds and look into some UI modifications (such as WeakAuras) and go from there. You’d be surprised at the effect it has.

WeakAuras has been the source of a lot of stress and anxiety for me over the years. I really just want to be able to play without that cursed addon. Same with raidbots and warcraftlogs.

You can actually get away with doing exactly that for a while. In fact I’d actually recommend it while you’re still learning the basics of your class. Fundamentals matter a lot more than gear optimizations do so you can safely let that wait until you have less on your plate.

I tend to use the same set ups for all the classes I play. Most of the classes play similarly. Finding a set up where you don’t confuse yourself is recommended.

All my dps abilities are on 1-6. More abilities are on shift 1-6 I use shift fgcvr as more utility options. Sometimes cds.

Ctrl 'frvcg for more buttons.

Usually I have my movement abilities on like shift g for example on all the classes I play. Secondary ones on like shift r or Ctrl G.

1 is always my interrupt. For the quickeat reaction times. 2 for spam abilities. 4 for chunkier abilities.

Something consistant.

If your mouse has a scroll wheel you can use that to put abilities you hardly ever use like scare beast or flare.

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