Are Add-ons Degenerate?

are add-ons a soft form of cheating?



You know how your mom always said “there is no such thing as a stupid question”?

Yea… About that…


No… not sure why you’d think they would be.

But there are certain things I wish Blizzard would take some initiative to improve. Customizable UI as an example.


Imagine playing with out add ons, the devs would actually have to develop quality of life stuff.


How does one “cheat softly?”

Also, Blizz sent the guy who coded Deadly Boss Mods a brand new gaming computer and thanked him for his efforts. If that’s not a ringing endorsement, I don’t know what is.


I’d rather they not. I’d like them to add content, not spend all their time and money trying to design a UI that appeals to millions of people with millions of different ideas.


I think thats macros more than addons. Addons are interface options that should be in game

It depends on your definition of cheating. They definitely give what could be considered an unfair advantage to those with them as oppos r to them those without and they deliver information that wasn’t necessarily meant to be easily accessible which can definitely improve someone’s performance.

That being said the game is designed with them in mind now-a-days so that kind of weighs in favour of them not being cheating.

Personally? I don’t care. I use add-ons because they’re helpful and I advise others to do the same.


You’d have to think that most content is designed with addons in mind. The WA’s that break the encounter are usually fixed pretty quickly.

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Absolutely not

That concept went right out the window the first time I was in a meeting at work and we were about to leave before someone extended the meeting by half an hour asking questions that had already been answered in the meeting.


No, but you can play the game without but it’s rough I did that for 3 yrs,and I’ll rely on addon for now on < i’m embarrassed even to admit it.

Take away my WA and PoM tracker, but you can snatch Bartender and Vuhdo from my cold, dead hands.


No, but some addons are made by degenerates.

I miss playing without addons in Vanilla and figuring stuff out the hard way, but there’s no way the modern playerbase in either retail or Classic would put up with that today.



But the material in the core of neutron stars is.

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Anyone that’s honest, knows that add-ons like DBM, and Weakauras, are well beyond UI modifications. They’re both every bit as cheaty as decurse ever was.

They’ll never get rid of either, because then they’d need to up their encounter design game. Currently, they just slap together encounters, and expect things like Weakauras and dbm to make up for the total lack of information relay.

Contrast FF14 encounter design to WoW. One requires add-ons doing enormous amounts of work for you to clear content, one relays more than enough information visually to not need add-ons.


I played FFXVI for all of 2 hours. Didn’t get into it.

But I LOVED the customizable UI.

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Addons are a way of collecting, displaying, organizing, or reorganizing data, so no. I’d say quite a few addons are about things that should be in the default game/interface.