Are Add-ons Degenerate?

And vent,discord etc, is too.

Yes, they clearly are.
But since everyone uses them, they have been the meta since the game was launched.

If a blinky thing appears when your target is casting Convoke so you remember to kick it… your cheating… just like everyone else.

If I was playing Mario, and all the blocks with powerups glowed so I knew which ones to smash, and I was directed by audio and visual cues to dodge when the cannons shot bullet bills at me, and JUMP NOW! appeared on my screen when the spacing between Bowsers hammers would be large enough for me to hop over him to get the axe… that would be cheating. But in WoW it’s the expected gameplay experience with DBM.


Giving people the ability to communicate is not equivalent to Weakauras that tell you which gate to touch in the nightfae dungeon.

Besides, if it was cheating, Blizzard would close down the API that the lua scripts can access.

Which they’ve done for some smaller functions the API exposed.

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Same as cheating in bg’s and don’t say it doesn’t happen.

It’s painful at times, ngl.

The game has been designed around certain addons. So anybody not using those addons is gimping themselves.

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Sorry if this is a dumb question but what are addons?

No, not at all. Blizzard actively encourages them.

Yes, because that weak aura just tells you where to go with zero player input. oops! forgot the /s.

Why am I not surprised that it is a classic toon asking the question in the OP?


lookie :slight_smile:

For some of us, addons are a hindrance.

DBM is obnoxious with all it’s alarms and “Beware!” and diarrhea all over the screen; I can’t understand how people can function like that.


3rd party installations for your game.

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Well yes, but actually no.
Addons can give players an (unfair) advantage such as tracking enemy cooldowns or knowing when a boss mechanic is going to happen.
But is it really cheating if the devs allow it?

You might want to look up what “degenerate” means.

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I have it on good authority that people who chew their food are soft manbabies who are too weak to git gud at swallowing, and cheating at eating.

Addons change the interface of your game, they’re kinda like phone apps. Some only change how the game looks while others show information that would otherwise be hidden for you (like the top left bars, those are my party’s interrupt cooldowns).

P.S. No Patrick, showing player names is not against the forum rules. It’s only against the rules if you post them for defamatory purposes.

Given that the addons utilize an API that Blizzard provides, I don’t consider it cheating.

you answer this with satire, how brave.

merely asking others opinions and i wasnt disappointed. just curious if players could achieve the level of accomplishment without them.

similar to blizzard allowing carries for gold, its not against their tos (because they profit from token sales) but in the overall of things you didnt achieve that goal, you bought it.

strong contribution, please elaborate how your would correlate my question to a classic toon.

again, like selling boosts or aotc runs – its not against tos but is it degenerate?