Ardenweald Using Mortal Souls as Fertilizer!

I told you they are evil! The seed pod being given to Ursoc was a mortal soul! They are using mortal souls as food for incubating wild God souls!

Death to them all! Sylvanas was freaking right!!! This world is a prison!


Aww, I don’t want to be evil.

All of them!!

(I actually love the ardenweald aesthetics no h8)


Not just the trees but the treewomen and treedren too.


Im totally tripping over this! Evil &^$#*$#s! They have using our souls for their own demented reasons! BLIZZARD, I don’t want to join these charlatans! I dont want to be evil! I want to raze them to dust do you hear!? DUUUUUUST!

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Sounds like more Bellular trying to fill in his videos so they last longer than 15 minutes. I’m not overly impressed with the theory of the Jailer being the good guy and everyone else is evil. If that’s honestly the twist they go for, and that Sylvanas was right all along, I think that could actually make me put WoW down for good. It would be one of the most disappointing twists they could come up with.

Also this is no more proof than what you brought up in the discussion Thursday when the video came out. It’s just a YouTuber speculating.


Yet YOU have NO answers! Easy enough to stand back, call everything wrong and speculative and have anything else to offer in terms of an explanation to what we all just saw! Easy enough to nay say until you find out that yes, you were wrong and now it’s too late. Nope! I’m not denying my lying eyes. This is messed up! Ardenweald and possibly the other covenants are all evil!

The seed wasn’t a mortal soul… It was anima; the energy that’s brought into the shadowlands when a soul enters it’s borders.

I would assume that’s why theres a shortage. Because with the system of the shadowlands broken, and all the souls being sent to the maw by mistake, the anima is no longer being delivered to the afterlives.


I’ll honestly still 100% choose every single Covenant over someone who thought killing innocents was an acceptable measure.


They are all killing innocents!

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Yes, but one party is doing it for no other reason then to fuel their purposes. and the others are doing it because of the prior party, to save those that they can.

Both sides are killing, the only difference is; why.

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But they’re not. As Learra already said, that’s anima. It’s the energy that souls bring into the Shadowlands. The souls are left to their various afterlives, wherever they belonged after arriving. The anima isn’t the full soul, it’s the energy brought into the world when the soul arrives.

The cause of the drought, and all of the infighting in Maldraxxus, and everything wrong with the afterlife is because that energy is being funneled directly into the Maw and not the various other areas.

It is directly the Jailer (and his cohorts’) faults that any of this is happening.


The whole ‘the world is a prison’ bit is just a weird knockoff of the matrix, just instead of being used as batteries by machines we are being used as energy sources by weird after life beings.

Honestly when you think about it, its pretty stupid - but oh well.

Might wanna loosen that tinfoil hat of yours friend, it’s cutting off the blood flow.


Burn the trees! Burn them before they rise out of the ground and throw rocks at us and break our dams!

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No! It’s not a phase, mom!!

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Absolute nonsense. There are mortal souls in Ardenweald, but they run around in animal forms. That was just a fruit with anima in it.

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Looks like we’re going to need to send the horde in there, we know how to deal with big trees.

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Burn them!! The damn trees caused all of this!

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I don’t click Bellular videos because I have standards.