Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists

Unless we’re up against Sylvanas


Eh we’ll still come out on top of that, we survive every threat we have gone against


Shh, don’t tell anyone that azeroth is surviving. It’ll be our whittle secret :wolf:

Was kind of hoping to see a epic fight between her and tyrande, but who knows at this point. Always a chance they’ll honestly suprise us, rare as that is.

Well, Tyrande loses her final battle against Sylvanas and then sleeps for the rest of the patch, so there goes that…
(In 9.1)

I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but really? :wolf:

Whose to say it’s a battle? Just watch, it’ll be Sylvanas doing her own curb-stomp attack.

It’ll be a battle, in the same way a baby-seal battles a club. XD

I’m going to wager that based off what they do have out, Tyrande essentially solo’s the forces of the Maw and Sylvanas back from Ardenweald. But over-exerts herself in the Process, and the WQ is the one who screws up. Thus, it appears that Jaina and Thrall are the ones that are actually following Sylvie into Torghast for that final fight. And since I’d wager that Sylvie will NOT die in 9.1, I can only hope that means that the Jailor Denathrius’ her and Jaina/Thrall bring her back to Tyrande alive.

Making good on Thrall’s promise and letting Tyrande get the choice.

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Yea sadly, it happens right at the start of the 9.1 campaign where Sylvanas attacks ardenweald, Tyrande arrives to defend it and fight Sylvanas but fails to do so. Sylvanas takes her sigil and leaves while Tyrande is so heavily injured that she needs to be put to sleep by Ysera until we find a way to make her get rid of her powers. This is all that happens in the patch related to Tyrande, she just sleeps then.

In the Sylvanas raid there are only Thrall and Jaina, the 2 characters that would accept a Sylvanas redemption…

Sigh Now I’m sad if that ends up being true. :wolf:


I’m already sad, that’s why I’ve been posting about it a lot lately.

Spoilers aside, it also seems obvious who’d win in a Tyrande vs. Sylvanas situation with those writers, I’m not even surprised, just disappointed.


That would certainly be a fitting ending. I just wish Tyrande played a much bigger role though

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One of the devs did admit a while back that Sylvanas is their waifu. I believe it was one of the actual writers of her character, though I could be misremembering it

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Thrall is killing sylvanas cause hes the only one not doing it out of revenge, and revenge is bad kids

There’s also that writer who inserted himself into the story as a complete mary sue to be Sylvanas’ boyfriend. The one who single handedly stood against the Night Warrior and Malfurion in 8.1.

I just really hope that the backlash will be even stronger than in 8.1 when they pull the Sylvanas “genocide is good” glorification…


Possible, absolutely. I think they likely will go this route. Then Anduin’s face with pained tears will somehow break through to her that she’s actually on the wrong side. She’ll try to help him and die in the process and he’ll make some comments about how tortured her soul was, but before dying she tried to do the right thing, because Anduin.

It’s entirely possible that she hasn’t seen Kel’Thuzad yet, she thinks mourne blades are common, and she’s just been duped from day 1 by the manipulations of the Jailer (who suffers from being super bland). I don’t know obviously.

I definitely don’t think she’s playing 7D chess and trying to arrange pawns on the board for an attempt to strike at the Jailer when his back is turned and become the new Goddess of Death.

I honestly think she’s just broken and going along for the ride with little incentive to do anything else because she wants to avoid eternal torment. There’s some rationalization tossed in there I think, but I guess to me it just looks like she knows he’s evil, she knows she can’t beat him, so she’s just going along until this train stops, one way or another. Worst case scenario she ends up at square one, best case scenario she ends up anywhere else.

Just my opinion though.

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It’s not revenge when you bring a genocidal mass murderer to justice.

People go to prison for that in real life or get the death sentence, it’s not revenge there either.

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That same dev said that sylvanas will get whats coming to her

He didn’t.

He only talked about her redemption and how great it will be.

We don’t know if Tyrande’s actually injured or not. Her last appearance already had her bouncing around 1 HP in Torghast, but her Night Warrior buff has a thing about how once it’s properly harnessed, its overwhelming power turns into a source of healing. So my guess is that the others help her manage it to the point where it flips around until she’s farting out blue Holy Novas everywhere or something instead.

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