Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists

This is the ONLY thing that matters right now. Beyond whether Baine not being in Oribos (like the others) means he might actually have a personal story cooking. And whether Lil will get some relevance now that Benedictus has been found. God I hope they don’t do something bad to Darion. We need that reunion between father and son!

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Wow, you are just like them. I thought you were different, now twisting the things I said. Just Wow.

Keep your fake girl power.

I guess it only applies if we see absolutely eye to eye.

Lol just cause we have nelf avatars doesnt mean we are friends, I am not friends with you for example

Yes for real, Alexandros is seen in the torghast raid with the title of horsemen and Darion is nowhere to be found! Plus when I roamed around the PTR after the mawsworn invaded oribos I looked for him and couldn’t find Darion.

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Yea, she changed her mind when she found out about your true colours.

And I really enjoyed her redemption arc.

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Right, not every single night elf player thinks the same. How dumb of me to think we were all a hivemind

This a hivemind though. It’s killing it. It’s why people lurk and don’t join.

It’s too late now to pretend that you’re a night elf player lol

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No, I don’t.

I don’t care about Teldrassil, it’s a fictional place, with fictional people. It’s NOT REAL.

There are real tragedies happening right now around the world. I don’t care about some stupid fictional elves.

My empathy is reserved for the real world. Not Azeroth. I don’t care what happens to the races of Azeroth. It’s fiction.

I can suspended my disbelief that the stupid elves were killed for a reason. No, I don’t.

I don’t care about Teldrassil, it’s a fictional place, with fictional people. It’s NOT REAL.

There are real tragedies happening right now around the world. I don’t care about some stupid fictional elves.

My empathy is reserved for the real world. Not Azeroth. I don’t care what happens to the races of Azeroth. It’s fiction.

I can suspended my disbelief that the stupid elves were killed for a reason.

So, you’re going to deny that you admitted you don’t care for the story? That was your quote after all.

What’s even funnier is this person is acting like people who play Horde, don’t also find the current situation ridiculous as well. I don’t know many Horde players who think Sylvanas is just misunderstood and has always been a good guy who will be vindicated.

She’s a monster. Which I think is great, a great antagonist who does terrible things. Like, I enjoyed Sylvanas killing Saurfang and lashing out at the horde. I enjoyed the fact she doesn’t like her own troops and just uses them as pawns and useful idiots. I like the fact she’s a selfish bastard. Those are all admirable traits in a villain.

So yea, Sylvanas is a complete monster. She always has been. I don’t LIKE Night Elves even, and I’ll straight up say that I like Sylvanas more.

Sylvanas is still an irredeemable monster, and if they choose to ‘redeem’ or ‘vindicate’ her, it’ll be the worst story decision that I can think of in WOW’s history.


I care about the story.

I don’t care about acting as if Teldrassil was some real life event we have to pretend is a real tragedy just because we have some over invested RPers here.


No one claimed it’s real life but you

That seems like a very reasonable opinion.

I for my part used to like Sylvanas before BfA kind of… when she wasn’t a complete villain sue that destroyed everything that I loved about the game and got away with it because writers love her and hate my race.

If this isn’t some hardcore trolling then I don’t know what it is lol


your level 50 honey, your just some horde/undead players alt

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It’s a plot device.

How long did it take you figure it out that Warcraft isn’t real? And Sylvanas isn’t real, yet you simp for her pretty hardcore.


“This character has redeemable qualities” = simping hard-core.

There’s a valid explanation to everything she’s done but when I try to explain it I get downplayed called a simp and people go back to saying “i just don’t understand this character’s motivations” when I can explain them.

It’s frustrating.

This thread is just escalating on the personal attacks, come now everyone let’s return to some level of civility and this is to everyone.


You attacked people who claimed otherwise or had a different opinion


So did you!

When? Find a post of mine.