Ardenweald spoilers vindicate Loyalists

these sylvanas cope threads are good, if this is how it is before she dies, i wonder how its gonna be after

I mean possibly be like the N’zoth threads? But we don’t know how syls story will end. Blizzard seem intent on pushing for some sort of redemption from what we’ve seen so far.

I dont see redemption at all, i dont get why people think that

Because the writers only care about Sylvanas and it would be the perfect way to spite Night Elf fans

I still trip up over a couple of details with that idea, though. The first being that it’s still having Sylvanas implicitly trust something with power over her, but she’s basically doing that anyway so whatever, that gripe’s been shot. Another bit would be that she’d be required to never have actually gone to the maw period, which I guess is possible because if she actually did go, then the jailer is fully capable of making good on a threat to bring her back if she fails to comply with her. Either way, she’s effectively become a prisoner of the scourge again. And I guess that just rubs me the wrong way, because

But the story has also completely blown any remaining sympathy she may have had, so the character feels ruined no matter what they do. And as a more general thing about the horde, my interest in the faction has been pretty well tapped out by now, to the point where I don’t really have any interest in positive horde content at this point because my mind just loops back to “yeah but BFA though.” So even when this story arc is over, it’s never going to be really “over” anymore. :confused:

The scenes of her showing doubt during her talks with Anduin is what gives me that impression.

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It truly does depend on whether she believes that the Arbiter is the one that placed her into the Maw or not. And what tale the Jailor fed her to aid in that belief. And the idea that she is being tricked is very much reinforced by the fact that her Nine Val’kyr are in the Raid as Bosses. And the flavor text on the Mount they drop is “Only the Jailor’s most Powerful Lieutenants are gifted these steeds to stalk the hall of the tower”. Those Val’kyr were always SUPER suspect in their deal with her. The Fed her a story to get her to move in a direction that would be convenient for them and their master.

But, I guess we’ll see soon enough. If he bails on her, and she becomes little more than an expended Arrow in his Quiver at the end of the Raid. We’ll have our answer. What was that old trope? The very steps you take to avoid your fate are often the ones that condemn you to it?

Yea, just wish there’d be some update on Hyjal, or Ashenvale or atleast any Night Elf zone, somehow the Night Elves and their things aren’t allowed to be part of the story in a positive way.

or the fact that they outright said that she’ll be redeemed but it will be nuanced (spoiler: it won’t be)


It’s no use Erriden. There’s a lot of people here who can be shown very basic things about the narrative, but they choose to ignore it, because acknowledging it means they have to face the reality that the story is going in a direction they don’t want to admit is true.

It’s only sad that the story will be catering to toxic people like Erevien and Erevien 2.0 right here, but toxic writers cater to a toxic fanbase, I guess

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Did they outright say that? Would love to see that.

Well hey story is still really up in the air, no really telling how it will all pan out till it happens. They may continue on the route they laid groundwork for in the first part of this expac, or they’ll 180 due to fan backlash so far.

They wrote garrosh as sympathetic he still died

That they did, I just say what my gut is telling me lol. I never claimed to be able to see the future of how the story ends.

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I dont think they are gonna say genocide good so I dont see it happening

It would be a really reaaaaaally hard sell if they did try, but we’ll see where the story goes once we see the raids ending.

It’ll be as nuanced as a wrecking ball going through a building. Blizz doesn’t understand what nuance or subtle means :wolf:

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Was it you or another NE player who called genocide “fun” in another thread?

They didn’t want Tyrande to get killed off until the NE had thier genocide “fun” that was a gross take, by some “righteous” NE’s

Maybe you should be more worried about them justifying genocide.

“When Anduin comes back and delivers the key to the Jailer, you can see in Sylvanas eyes that she’s still conflicted, and this will be a big part of our story as Chains of Domination unfolds. This is the first time we’re showing what Sylvanas true motivations are, and players will have a better understanding of why she did what she did, but that doesn’t excuse her. She still burned Teldrassil, she’s still guilty of many deaths, and she still has a lot to answer for. We’re not forgetting that and we won’t be giving Sylvanas a pass. When someone does what she did, it can’t be as simple as ‘oh, she did this one thing and now she’s redeemed’. That’s not the story we’re telling, but it is something that we will address throughout Chains of Domination and also in the future”. From the mouth of Steve

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