Ardenweald is entirely forest

What’s wrong? I know I’m not good at flowers, but I do remember the color of the trees in Elwynn Forest. A mixture of yellow and brown, yellow predominates.


She did have a night elf model a long time ago!

In his thread complaining about Night Elf poster derangement, he ended up deranged.

Fun fact: Being able to see colors like Yellow, red, and brown are usually a trait of diurnal creatures!


People are actually arguing Ardenweald isn’t a night elf zone? In this, the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand upon Twenty-One?

Maybe the year of your lord

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The trees actually bear a striking resemblance to Arcan’dor trees in Suramar if you compare the two, they’re the same dullish greyish blue and both have blue energy veins running up and down them. Similarly the ponds bear a passing semblance to the Suramar ponds scattered around the city. Both also have similar fauna and music.

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I remember that strip. laughed myself silly when I read it.


Actually the raging debate is whether or not it’s a forest.

There was a typo on its birth certificate. It is actually Forrest.


I can’t see if it’s a forest, there’s too many damn trees blocking my view /s


It’s Gump, Forrest Gump.


Ah, like a fine wine, this is one of those threads that gets better with age.


Good thing you learned it before the Elune cinematic. You were ahead of the game.

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I mean, the cinematic that came out this morning is probably the worst bit of Nelf lore to ever be released. Elune is confirmed, in canon, that she spends Night Elf souls like disposable currency.

And lets not even touch the part where “Victims shouldn’t seek justice against their abusers” is a legit story point Blizzard is going with at a time like this.

Maybe Ardenweald was a love letter to Nelves… But it’s the kind of love letter you get from Afrasiabi, left on your desk to find after a quick trip to the water cooler.


There has to be a very vocal vindictive Anti-theist on the team.


Pot, meet kettle.

Just remember how many dedicated souls go into those transmogs, armor, and mounts! You can’t avoid it… the price tag is right there on the quartermaster.

It’s a pretty standard trope that in the afterlife, souls are the only true currency.

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:skull:: Looking to buy? I hope you brought plenty of souls. Ha ha ha…

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Buggers the mind when you think of it.

The Shadowlands run on anima… the whole breakdown started when the distribution of anima from Ravendreth stopped.

Ravendreth gets its anima from the harvesting of evil souls.

So unless evil maintains it’s presence in the universe, the afterlife is well and truly screwed.

Think about that! You goody two shoe types!

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Not evil. On sins.
So, when “absolute good” comes, Revendreth will have to be content with sin “had good intentions.”
There was such a sin, wasn’t it?

The question now is if they wear a fedora.

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