Arclight Rumble - Why?

Who was Arclight Rumble made for? I’m a Warcraft Universe fan first and foremost and I don’t have any interest in it.

Should I try to be more excited about Arclight Rumble? This is minor, but the whole plastic aesthetic bothers me. I have flashbacks of broken low quality toys. Why would they go that direction with the art style?

The whole game makes me sad and I had so much hope for something I wanted to play.

P.S. Hearthstone is a great game and the single player story is actually good. So I’m not against mobile games in general.

Where’s the WoW dating sim? I’d play that.


If it’s not your cup of tea then that is ok. It’s not my cup of tea either. It is made for people who do like that type of game.

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Me I guess. I think it looks cool.

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Even though I said it is not my cup of tea, I may try it. I didn’t think mobile games at all were my cup of tea but I kinda like DI (not a whale, play for free). Who knows… maybe I will find a new love.

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Activision-Blizzard is a Sales company with video game development assets. It’s made to make money, doesn’t matter who the target audience is as long as it makes money.

Almost all ages, just like Hearthstone , that’s why HS is like a parody of Warcraft universe.

It’s your own opinion, if you like tower defense kind of game and the elements provided so far.

Some people think the same about WoW, the art depends on the public, just check the silly style of HS and now Arclight Rumble provides an aesthethic that targets a different kind of public, from childs to adults.

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I dont believe arclight rumble has a niche audience. Its pretty much open to every kind of gamer looking for something easy and quick. Its there to make money.

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Ignoring the concerns that inherently come with mobile games. Why do you feel like it needs to appeal to you just because you are a warcraft fan?

I’ve been playing WoW since launch. I love Warcraft as a franchise. I have 0 interest in Hearthstone, but I’m not upset with that. It’s fine for there to be various games in the same franchise whether they appeal to me or not.

The people who will spend over $100 Billion (yes with a B) on mobile gaming in 2023. Mobile gaming is the largest source of revenue in the gaming industry today and only expected to grow.


well it takes over half a MILLION US DOLLARS to buy max gear in diablo immortal… and that assumes your slightly lucky.

(cause you need 36 5 star gems to get 10 star gems or something like that.)

I do like tower defense, maybe I shouldn’t be such a downer on it yet.

it’s a tower offense game (not defense)

Offense can be a type of defense…jk

But it’s a similar concept/gameplay.

you don’t need to play it just because you’re a warcraft fan, maybe check others, I like Orc must die games.

Diablo Immortal still made $24 million in the first two weeks of its release. It would be making more money if NetEase didn’t insult the President of China on Weibo,

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which is a great thing IMO because the game needs to fail due to the monetization is taken to levels that even MEGAGIGA-WHALE’s are to poor.

there was speculation that the net-ease employee did it on purpose to sabotage diablo immortal, or net-ease itself.

It won’t fail, sorry to burst your bubble.

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it’s already failing to some extent as it’s not bring in as much money as other mobile games and there is LONG TERM COST blizzard has cause of even more bad PR.

(remember diablo fans were told they wouldn’t be able to buy gear which is ONLY technically true, you buy gems to put into gear which makes gear better)

You’re completely wrong, but ok.

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Mobile gamers. Thought that was obvious.

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