Arch...Stop the crying

Why is there sooooooo much crying about this? Should blizz just hand you the epic after a certain amount of solved puzzles? An epic that will be useless in a month or two? The kids need to get over it.


Yes. Once you reach 450 you should get ALL the Epics. Let people have fun. The fun is getting the gear fast so you can enjoy it.

They should triple Loot from ALL sources too. Bosses drop 3 times, up the BoE’s etc get ppl in Purps fast so the game can be enjoyed.

always the low level characters with something to say


You made a thread crying about crying. Bravo :clap:


It’s less about the epics and more about implementing a failed system back into classic with years of data and feed back that resulted in the removal of the profession because of it’s poor design. Had the profession been fixed, knowing the problems existed, I’m sure there would be less complaints.


Well this is Cata classic and the poorly designed thing seems to fit considering it was part of Cata. Just don’t do it ¯_(ツ)_/ I didn’t do it in Cata and I’m not doing it in Cata classic

we want RNG protection weve spent days farming an epic its eaiser to get Smourne then these epics

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Blizzard should not have put max level purples on a gathering profession. With this rehost, they had another obvious easy change to make, but would not do it. Another option would have been to make the items tradable, meaning you could buy one you want from someone else that doesn’t want it. But any blue/purple that pops will never pop a 2nd time, meaning it does improve your odds elsewhere.

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These are the same people that would go to McDonalds during Monopoly season and say I gathered 100s of free fries. I demand you give me the best prize for all the hours I wasted.


Why is there sooooooo much crying about this?

People can’t stop themselves from wasting an unreasonable amount of their time doing something they don’t like doing because they want the reward. The mentioned activity has a lot of downtime in which they can browse the forum for example. Are you really surprised that they are using that downtime to complain about how miserable they are feeling?

You may believe their complaining is useless and you wish they weren’t doing so. Which might be why you are voicing your frustration about it. But I am sure you are well aware that your complain about them isn’t more likely to stop them from complaining about their own grievances.

You really needed to make another thread about this to feel important. You couldn’t have just said your two sentence thought as a reply to one of the hundred archaeology threads.

what would u except form a troll?

Classic RMTers are mad they have to grind :skull:

Yeah, actually.

the fact that i have over 450 dwarf solves and no staff is absurd 1/450 = 0.0022222222222222 that is well beyond a 1% drop rate that is lower then mounts in the game this why people are upset blizzard said 13 years ago that arch was bad but they didnt fix it this time around an easy fix would be to add a vendor so if you got a epic you dont need or want cant use what ever the case maybe you can exchange it for something you can thats an easy fix but again blizz doesnt care about the player base theyll prob add some fix in 2-3 months when this isnt needed

That’s not how probability works. The % drop chance stays the same each time you make a solve…

Or maybe should have just treated a secondaryprofession like a secondary profession and if the data has been round for years showing how poorly designed it was.

That just makes it all more laughable over the insanity of it. You can keep blaming blizzard you can keep asking blizzard for free hand outs. I doubt they do either until the ZA/ZG patch just to troll the community.

The thing is that it should have been addressed but blizz didnt address this issue instead they changed things that didnt need to be changed

If you mean ‘Bad Luck Protection’ then yes, this is what is being requested. I parse 99s while petting the raccoons living in my trailer…how is it fair ‘Soda-n-pretzel’ Todd got his epic casually doing solves in between donating to the Democratic National Convention before me who has parsed 98s while doing solves and multiboxing my alt DK in paid wrath heroic carries.

Let me kick you a scenario. My boy Bobolean in my high skill prog guild got the dorf arch staff, I haven’t. If I cant get it before the next raids drop theres NOTHING I can do to keep pace with his parses until I get some BS trash drop that does bs dps. How is that fair, i been smoking Bobolean since the last half of Uld? If I had the staff Id be secure in my raid spot for literally weeks. My guild kicks the 3 lowest parsers every new phase, which has been completely fair until now that I had bad RNG. Now its just a travesty. Me…IVE HAD BAD LUCK. Im l337. This is a joke.

What is this?