Arch...Stop the crying

Something cata casual andies would never know about. But go ahead, log in and do some solves…you prob will get it cuz Blizz loves them some casual andies that approach the game as good, fun entertainment for the money spent—-meanwhile im sitting here fing bleeding for a reboot of a really old game that is in no way competitive and getting literally NO preferential treatment. How is that fair? Tell me. You virtue signalling snowflakes have no idea how hard it is to benefit from a lifetime of privilege and then in an instant whoop its all just a random storm of randomness. I cannot…and will not…spend my table bussing money on a game that doesnt recognize that im hardcore…IM H-A-R-D-C-O-R-E and i want what i want! Give me what I deserve and please make sure you need 1k solves to get epics. It’s only fair

Part of the issue at least, is the chance of seeing an epic is way less than raid mount drops.
Chance should be 1-2%, not .01-.02%

Decided to do 1 more loop before I left for work this morning.

Did I roll the staff like I wanted? Sure didn’t.

Did I roll Zin’rohk? I sure as hell did…

The good news is, is that raids are pushed out a weel so after hitting 85 and gettimg the rest of our pre-bis, we can continue digging!

In my opinion, they should have made all these transmogs and not actual items. They could have expanded it a bit too like all of the weapons for each type and just have a color difference between the races.

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There are transmogs of these items why would they release them only as xmog when theyre already in the game

I meant as some kind of unique xmog, not something already in game. Or maybe all the legendary skins… ashbringers, hand of rag, shadowmourne, etc.

Probably because it was a trash tier profession that was poorly received when it came out, being a hollow shell of what was intended, and it’s now the same crappy profession but ALSO happens to have all the pre-raid bis items to it and players don’t enjoy feeling like their time is not meaningfully rewarded for something they probably wouldn’t have otherwise done because it’s not very fun.