Archon Reveal When?

Yea I’d be kinda surprised if no changes were made. Will just have to wait and see

I am kind of surprised / shocked there was no “word” type of talent.

For example…

  • Word of the Hierarch
    Your Word spells healing and damage is increased by 10% each time your Halo is cast, stacking up to 3, lasting 10 seconds.
    Casting any Word spell after Halo is cast, deals its effect again once your Halo returns to you.

Assuming Power surge and the return Halo effects each count as a cast of Halo.

Other ideas…

  • Enriched Potency
    When your Halo returns to you, you erupt with all the combined healing and damage it dealt to all targets within 8 yards.
  • Engulfing Power
    After casting Halo, your next Power Word: Shield damage absorption is increased by 30% of all the healing and damage your Halo dealt.

Oh boy, here I go breaking cc again!


archon seems like they had 2 separate ideas for a hero talent tree and just mashed them together. Not to say that it is good or bad, just kinda strange design.

Also not a huge fan of these hero talent trees being built around an existing talent and requiring the player spec into it in order to use the hero talent tree at all.


yeah this spec just sucks for pvp overall. Not even bothering

so many things that I just sad face.

The slow will be nice for bg’s I think especially in that battleground blitz

Just in Bgs.
In arena, if you are the object of obsession – which I always am-- it will do nothing. You won’t be able to even move and you have no tool to get out so its w.e

But in bgs sure. But I personally would just go voidweaver over this.

at least this is a great one for holy.

We have 2 specs total.
the advance holy spec, archon
And the hero talent for both disc and shadow -voidweaver.


A major advantage Voidweaver has over Archon is that you can channel Void Torrent and still trigger Entropic Rift even when cut short from an interrupt or for another reason.

Where as with Archon, we have to manually cast Halo.

Gone are the days of instant cast Halo.

Really should have a talent to make it Instant cast in the Archon tree… at least just added on to the keystone talent alongside the additional 10 yard range perhaps.

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For holy this is good provided you don’t hate Halo, lots of straight throughput even if you become the stam buffbot for the raid.

Even if you have Halo it is still a better tree than oracle in every situation which is not a dispel fiesta.


Archon looks ok, as a holy priest it seems playable. I want and see how the tree plays out for the most part, but it looks doable.

My main issues would be the talent Concentrated Infusion. I general don’t cast power infusion on myself. I guess you want us to have twin suns to DPS I guess. This feels like when someone offers pizza (I am lactose intolerant) sure the thought it nice but this is not good for me. Maybe you can make it so while you have power infusion going you can give us a mana regeneration for holy, and you can keep the haste for shadow.

I would like to say unless you fix the main class tree there is no movement utility outside of feather. I am having a bad feeling I am going to be left behind the dust some classes zoom past me in dungeons and raids.

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Another issu i have with Archon is thematically: It’s boring.
I have expected something where Holy could harness some Shadow powers and Shadow some Holy powers as Archon is basically at the middle of two extrems.

Here if you are Holy, it’s Light only and if you are Shadow, it’s Shadow only.
The fantasy is just not there for me.

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I will take boring but functional over “Exciting” mess every time. I never expected exciting given there is functionally zero overlap between shadow and holy so anything was always going to be a kludge.

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That’s why i complain only on the fantasy, it’s functionnal as a holy priest (my main when doing dungeon and raid) but as Shadow priest… i will prefer Voidweaver both functionally and thematically.

Thruthfully, i would have imagined a hero tree where you can choose a branch focusing on healing with Light infused spells or another one focusing on damage dealt with Shadow infused spells for the skins.

That doesn’t work as there are no “Branches” you choose, instead you get everything and so they need to write different abilities/triggers for different specs.

Ah… i forgot this part.

A decent looking tree for sure, but not at all what I was expecting.

I forgot shadow priest was supposed to be the second spec for Archon while reading the talents. There’s quite literally nothing shadowy about it and I was hoping for some shadow world pain/death talents for holy to convert dmg to healing.


My initial thoughts are I prefer the playstyle of Divine Star over Halo because of the shorter cooldown but this might be worth taking and a game changer if Halo becomes a major cooldown with significant increases to throughput. I am a little skeptical that they are going to allow Halo to be that powerful without first nerfing us, but I will try to be optimistic.

It sounds like Power Surge will grant TWO Halos. Divine Halo doubles that to FOUR Halos because they will return to the priest. Resonant Healing will increase healing done to allies by 10% for 5 seconds. Depending how long it takes all those Halos to expand and return, it could be a significant increase to healing throughput for 10+ seconds.

Can we please get some sort of immunity for 4 seconds during the of cast Halo? I would love if we could levitate or get a cool NEW spell effect that looks heroic while all these Halos are going off. This seems much better for Holy than both iterations of Oracle.


You get 3 Halos going out and 3 Halos returning over like 10-15 seconds.

So you got the original Halo going out and then returning, followed by the second Halo going out after the 1st returned and then once more for the 3rd Halo.

I heard y’all like overhealing


Divine Star fell off hard when it received the -25% hps nerf at the start of 10.2. It’s damage output is also far below Burning Vehemence Holy Fire and 20-stack Rhapsody.

They have to increase Divine Stars damage by +50% just to match those two abilities and revert the hps nerf.